• Filmmakers of any nationality and / or residence can participate. The works must have been carried out between January 1, 2014 and until the date established by organizers as closing date of applications.
• The call will remain open in the time interval set by organizers, and may be extended as long as they consider appropriate.
• When submitting the works to the contest, you will have to fill out a form with the author's data: name and surnames, address and contact telephone number, DNI and a brief biographical note (in the text box).
• They must be attached: Three photos of the shooting and one poster of the short film, all in JPG format.
• The short film must be sent to our email through a download link.
• About registration through the distribution platforms of short films: Participants can use as a shipping platform any of those associated with the festival in which case it will not be necessary to send any document or file by mail or e-mail. Both the registration form and the associated data can be downloaded through the platform chosen by the participants.
• The formats that are accepted are .MOV codec h264, .WMV codec wmv and .MP4 codec h264.
• The director / representative of the work must own the copyright on the images (graphic arts, archival images, works of art, etc.), the story / script (in case of literary adaptations) and sounds (musical rights) of all the pieces used, effects, etc.) that appear in the work.
• Each short will be registered in the name of the natural person that appears in the data of the registration form, being this one the beneficiary of the prize that may be granted. The organization presupposes that said person owns the rights over the submitted work, so it does not assume any responsibility derived in this respect by the contestants.
• As far as the contest is concerned, an official jury will be appointed for the awards, which will be composed of professionals from video, television, music, arts and communication. They may declare any prize desert and decide on any doubt not foreseen in the rules.
• In case juries cannot comply with their obligations, the festival, at its discretion, may appoint new jury members.
• The sections may be declared void at the discretion of the festival juries.
• The decision of the jury will be unappealable.
• Communications to participants of selected works will be done a week after the registration deadline by email. In parallel, the selection will be published on the official website of the Festival.
The organization can use up to three minutes of the works in spot or promotional videos of the Festival, without this having any relation with the selection of the same in any of the sections, since that decision is exclusive of the jury.
• The works participating in the contest will remain the property of the organization, which may project such works in specialized centers and rooms of a non-commercial nature, and reserve the right to publish and reproduce them, making mention in this case of their authors.
• Each participant may submit as many works he/she desires.
• Evaluation criteria:
1. Originality: 20%.
2. Vision: 10%.
3. Technical and artistic quality in the various cinematographic disciplines (direction, script, production, photography, art, editing, sound, music, effects): 20%.
4. Innovation in any of the cinematographic disciplines: 20%.
5. Planned staging: 10%.
6. Proposed theme: 10%.
• Short films submitted for competition in the fiction, documentary, animation, experimental and video clip categories may not exceed 50 minutes including titles and credits.
• All those short films whose original dialogues are not in Spanish or English must be subtitled or dubbed in one of the two languages. If not, they will be automatically disqualified.
• Prizes will be awarded for short films in the following modalities:
a) Main Award for Short Films:
i) Best short fiction trophy.
ii) Best short documentary trophy.
iii) Best animation short trophy.
iv) Best experimental short trophy.
• The organization reserves its rights to grant honor in any of the categories.
• Those granted honor will receive a certificate.
• Selected works will receive an electronical certificate from the festival.
• Under no circumstance non-selected participants will receive a certificate from the festival.
• Winners of the Le Prince Film Festival in the categories of Fiction, Documentary and Animation will receive a prize consisting of 400 US Dollars in video editing services and subtitling process of short films (It does not include their translation), belonging to any genre film that lasts no longer than 21 minutes including credits and titles.
• Shipping costs of trophies will be at expense of winners.
• Inscriptions may be formalized on the corresponding dates: The term for the reception of audiovisual pieces for the 2019 edition of Le Prince International Film Festival in all its Short Film modalities will begin March 20, 2019 and end December 15, 2019.
• Once the registration forms and the corresponding payment have been sent, no amount will be reimbursed for annulment or cancellation of participation in the competition.
• Rules of the festival are subject to modification due to circumstances beyond the organization.
• All participants fully accept these rules and resolutions made by the organization of any problem not covered therein.
• INFORMATION AND CONSULTATIONS Any questions or queries regarding the call 2019 may be sent through email to leprincefilmfestival@gmail.com Queries may be received in Spanish. No other type of queries will be answered in this email. We invite you to be informed of all the activities of the Leprince International Film Festival 2019 at www.lepiffest.org and on our social networks Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Dailymotion and YouTube.