1. Film’s Duration must be within 20 minutes.
2. Films that are older than two years are not eligible to compete at the festival
3. Animation, documentary, and experimental film genres are not eligible to compete at the festival
4. Films that have been played on any TV Channel or public websites are not eligible to compete at the festival
5. Each entry MUST be accompanied by the following:
-list of film staff ( actors, technicians)
- high resolution pictures of the film.
- One picture of the director with high resolution
- The film synopsis.
- the director's name, synopsis and country of origin.
- The film must be with English subtitles.
- high resolution of trailer
- Film’s producer
6. the Festival will be screened on special online Platform according to the epidemiological situation.
7. Submission for participation is during ( July 28th, till Aug 20th, 2020).
8. The submissions must be by the film owners who hold the full rights of it and the festival is not responsible about any causalities that comes during the participation.
9. hard copies of the film can be sent to: Jabal Al Lweibdeh, Al Farazdaq St. near Jordanian Artist association or it can be uploaded on secure link through H264- Apple 422.
10. The technical committee will evaluate selected films and has the full rights to reject any film in which does not meet the participation rule, creative approaches and content.
11. Once a film is submitted, it cannot be returned or taken out in case it was officially selected by the committee of the festival.
12.There are no entry fees or charges
13. The Festival Committee will announce the selected films before one month of the festival date.
14. A Certificate of Participation will be granted to participants whose films are accepted to compete in the festival.
15. Selected films will be competing on the festival selected awards.
16. The festival is allowed to use up to 2 minutes of the footage of the submitted films on websites or the national TV for promotional purposes.
17. The festival committee has the rights to add any rule or term to the festival at any time they see appropriate.
18. The festival committee has the right to display the participated films in the cultural centers at the governments and any suitable location without any expenses.
19. the Festival has the right to reject any film that was submitted with no high resolution, and the participant must submit new one. In case the participant did not do that, the film will be withdrawn from the competition.
20. the Festival has the right to use submitted materials for internal use only, and has the right to upload and to sort participated films for archiving uses only.