“From the roots to the flower” is this year's slogan of the first edition festival Ilinden Days. We started the creation of our film program from the roots of the Bitola's film tradition, the one of the Manaki brothers – the first cinematographers in Macedonia
and in the Balkan, who left us invaluable testimonies of the everyday life and the great events of their time, engraved on the film tape. They actually made the first ethnographic documentaries. It was natural that the Festival Ilinden Days, which has risen to international level, to include in its rich program a festival of ethnographic films.. Then the creation of new customs and beliefs. All covered by the artistic passion of the artists, who follow the need to leave indelible traces with their cameras.
In addition to the high cinematographic quality of the films, during the selection we were guided by their capacity to convey important messages, which justifies their selection. We hope that our program will succeed to attract and surprise the festival's audience, because these are strong films, which can surprise us, disturb us, soften us, make us happy, provoke us to think, change our view, oppose us, therefore after each screening we will be able to exchange opinions about each of the films.

In 1971 in Macedonia a great idea was born, a wish of a group of professionals, enthusiasts, dreamers, visionaries, an idea which became reality. A springhead, a glowing heart of a cultural organism has been created. A heart which beats, motivates, initiates, boosts, educates.
In 1971 in Bitola was established the International Festival for folk songs and dances “Iliindenski denovi” in Bitola. The name of the Festival is symbolical, its mission is generous while its goals and criteria are deeply integrated and conceived. This festival is dedicated to most hardworking people and their creations which endured the criteria of value through time. This is e Festival which presents, promotes and documents the deed of priceless folk cultural tradition. Thousands of folk artists, millions of visitors, numerous photos, audio, video documents, telegraphed materials, documents for the next generations. On all four parts of the world, the Festival realized its mission, sent messages, thus attracting a great number of authentic values of the cultural heritage fans.
Nevertheless, after all these years the beginning is here, since the new generations should also learn about and as well dance “Teskoto”, “Kopacka”, “Nevestinsko”, Komitsko”…
Every generation implements its own rock in the priceless mosaic of the Festival, a monument, a textbook…
This text is just sparkle from the great fire, a small stone in the mosaic. It has been written with lots of love, respect, and a wish for this Festival to continue.

The festival is not competitive.
Le festival n'est pas compétitive.
Фестивалот не е со натпреварувачки карактер.

International Ethnographic Film Festival “Ilinden Days” Bitola 2023


1. Conditions for submitting films

- The film section of the “Ilinden Days” Festival, offers exclusivity of the author’s ethnographic film;
- The work must be produced after December 1, 2022;
- Already rejected films – works from the festival cannot be submitted – entered again
- Regarding the duration, the Festival accepts registration – submissions of the following types of films – works: short (0-30 minutes), medium (31-60 minutes) and feature-length films (61 minutes and more);
- Any type of ethnographical theme is accepted; except for propaganda, sexual or discriminatory films on any basis which will be REJETED;
- The films are shown in the original language, subtitled in the Macedonian language;
- If the language is not Macedonian, French, English, or Russian, the film-work must be accompanied by a dialogue list of subtitles with time codes in French or English;

2. Submission Fees

No fee is required to submit the films.
The organization of the festival is completely voluntary, and the screenings are free.

3. Screening Fees

There is no charge for the screening of the films, since the registration - submission for participation is free.

International Ethnographic Film Festival
“Ilinden Days” Bitola 2024

Festival international du film ethnographique "Ilinden Days" Bitola 2023


1. Conditions de soumission des films

- La section cinéma du Festival « Ilinden Days », propose en exclusivité des films ethnographiques d'auteur ;

- L'œuvre doit être produite après le 1er décembre 2022 ;

- Les films déjà soumis à une édition antérieure du festival ne peuvent être soumis - inscrits à nouveau

- En ce qui concerne la durée, le Festival accepte les inscriptions - soumissions des types de films suivants : courts (0-30 minutes), moyens (31-60 minutes) et longs métrages (61 minutes et plus) ;

- Tout type de thème ethnographique est accepté ; à l'exception des films de propagande, à caractère sexuel ou discriminatoire sur quelque base que ce soit qui seront REJETÉS ;

- Les films sont projetés en langue originale, sous-titrés en langue macédonienne ;

- Si la langue n'est pas le macédonien, le français, l'anglais ou le russe, le film doit être accompagné de sous-titres avec time codes en français ou en anglais ;

2. Frais de soumission

Aucun frais n'est requis pour soumettre un film.

L'organisation du festival est entièrement bénévole, et les projections sont gratuites.

3. Frais de projection

Du fait de l’inscription du film, vous autorisez, pendant la durée du festival, à projeter gratuitement le film sélectionné dans le lieu de projection prévu pour le festival.

Festival international du film ethnographique

"Journées d’Ilinden" Bitola 2024

Интернационален Етнографски Филмски Фестивал
„Илинденски денови“ Битола 2024


1. Услови за поднесување на филмови

- Филмскиот дел од Фестивалот „Илинденски денови“, нуди ексклузивност на авторскиот етнографски филм;
- Делото мора да е произведено по 1 декември 2022 година;
- Веќе одбиените филмови – дела од фестивалот не може повторно да се пријават – поднесат;
- Во однос на времетраењето Фестивалот прифаќа пријавување – поднесување на следните видови филмови – дела: кратки (0-30 минути), средни (31-60 минути) и долгометражни филмови (61 минута и повеќе);
- Се прифаќа секаков тип на етнографска тема, освен пропагандните, сексуалните или дискриминаторските филмови по било која основа кои ќе бидат ОДБИЕНИ;
- Филмовите се прикажуваат на оригинален јазик, титлувани на македонски јазик;
- Ако оригиналниот јазик не е македонски, француски, англиски, ниту руски, филмот – делото мора да биде пропратено со дијалог листа на титлови со тајм кодови на француски или англиски јазик;

2. Надоместоци за поднесување

Не е потребна такса за поднесување на филмовите.
Организацијата на фестивалот е целосно доброволна, а проекциите бесплатни.

3. Надоместок за прикажување на филмовите

Не е предвиден надоместок за прикажување на филмовите, со оглед на тоа што пријавувањето – поднесувањето за учество е бесплатно.

Интернационален Етнографски Филмски Фестивал
„Илинденски денови“ Битола 2024