Humans of Film Festival is a sociocultural* film festival, based in cinema Het Ketelhuis in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, with a focus on catering to a broad and diverse audience. Our key mission is to raise awareness, focus on social justice, question the world we live in, and inspire inclusion and solidarity.

Taking inspiration from the act of portraying individuals through photography, Amsterdam-based Humans of Film Festival has been dedicating itself since 2020 to helping stories with and without a Dutch release find an audience and spread their message. And giving a stage to films about current and new topics that haven't really been discussed yet.

We want to untangle today’s pressing social issues by listening to the most affected ones. Narratives from the cinematic peripheries brought to the rich cultural landscape of Amsterdam. Through stories on a micro level, we question the global currents of our time. Intimate, to the point, and nurturing.

HoFF doesn’t just screen and program films, we go further than that. Raising awareness and encouraging our audience to think and question the world we live in through dialogue after the screenings is a vital part of our festival DNA; the same goes for our dedicated volunteer community.

*Note: Some people confuse us for being a Human rights film festival, which we are not. Because we go beyond international rights and focus on social and societal issues, stories from human beings, social justice (nationally as well), and building solidarity and raising awareness for inclusion. Human rights come with it, but it is not our sole focus.


Feature fiction and documentary films that are selected for the festival are eligible for the Jury Award and Audience Award (ceremonial awards and laurels). A jury of film professionals will choose the winning films for these Awards.

Short fiction and documentary films that are selected for the festival are eligible for the Jury Award for short films (ceremonial awards and laurels).


We are open for submissions of films that are
- FEATURES (at least 60 minutes)
- SHORTS (between 5 and 20 minutes)
- Fiction features, documentary features, fiction shorts, and documentary shorts are accepted.

KEY ASPECT: To untangle today’s pressing social issues by listening to the most affected ones. Through stories on a micro-level, we question the global currents of our time.

Your film is one of the following:
- Micro-level story concerning an individual, group, or community that needs to be heard, but faces difficulties in expressing its voice;


- The portrayal of a situation that shows how the environment reverberates on humans.

And contains at least one of the following themes:
- Environmental or ecological stories
- Stories about racism or discrimination
- LGBTIQ+ stories
- Migrant stories
- Female-centered stories
- Social (in)justice stories / colonial histories
- Stories about mental or physical impairments

Please only submit your film after you have read all the festival criteria, rules, and terms. Double-check to see if your film, and passwords are working and if the English subtitles are present.

should have a good pace, be a cinematic experience for in cinemas, be about current topics and new topics (for example those topics that haven't been discussed much or at all as of yet), that can appeal to our broad and diverse audience.

films that rely a lot on talking heads interviews, voice-over, narration, experimental or abstract, too historic, TV documentary styles, films that should be an art installation in a museum, monotonous films, and films that do not connect to our topics. So please think about it and read the guidelines before submitting.

- The film was released between 2020 and 2024;
- The film has not been screened (online or theatrically) or broadcasted (online or on television) in the Netherlands or in Amsterdam before;
- The film has English subtitles available (even if it’s spoken in English);
- The film has a DCP (physical or (preferably) digital).

>>> If your film is missing any of the above-listed requirements, your film is not eligible and will not be taken into consideration.

To avoid spam and films that do not follow the submission guidelines we ask filmmakers for a symbolic administrative fee. This fee goes directly to making the organization of the festival possible.

For filmmakers who are in a difficult position or are located in certain regions, we offer a waiver or discount (we do NOT take such requests via e-mail, only the google form). Please see the next section for more information.

HoFF submission waivers and discounts (DEADLINE IS UNTIL 29TH of DECEMBER 2023)
A waiver or discount can be given to filmmakers in need, who face one or more of the following situations:

- Filmmakers from impoverished countries (for example: the currency rate makes it impossible to afford the fee);
- Filmmakers living in Iran or Venezuela, Afghanistan, Congo
- Filmmakers who were able to make their film with a very low budget

Copy this link to go to the waiver and discount form:
Link will come back in the last months of 2024

We are looking forward to your submission!

If you have any questions or trouble submitting, please send us
an email to: humansoffilmfestival [at] gmail.com **

**Please do not mail us to ask for a fee waiver request, fill out the form on the website as best as you can.

Overall Rating
  • Ties Kalker

    It was a great experience, thanks for everything!

    October 2024
  • María Lobo

    Honoured because our film was part of the festival, touched after an emotional Q&A session, amazed and thankful after receiving the Award from the audience <3 I just wish to be able to assist physically for next edition, thanks so much!

    November 2021
  • Eddie Shieh

    Had honour of screening my film HOME FREE as well as some meaningful conversations with Feargal. Human is a wonderful festival with a greater purpose. I hope to be back and in person. Thank you again,

    October 2021
  • Catherine Meyburgh

    Such an important festival. Thank you for a great Q&A and all the support.

    October 2021
  • Tal Amiran

    Humans of Film Festival is a fantastic festival, with excellent programming and great communication. Due to Covid I wasn’t able to attend the festival this year but I was grateful that my short doc Dafa Metti won Best Short Film at the festival. Highly recommended festival!

    October 2021