This festival is the best one ALL of us have ever been part of.
We have so much fun watching submissions to this festival we can’t help but walk around for weeks with smiles on our faces.
Our judges agree is is a pure pleasure.
We hope the submitters and attendees enjoy it too.
The last year + with the world dealing with the pandemic, more then ever we all need to laugh and remember the child like wonder of watching animation on Saturday mornings as our parents slept in.
During our last festival we had a break out session with animators who had met to showcase their talent and discuss changes in the industry, technique and new tools on the market.
This year we can help make the same arrangements for anyone wanting to attend a break out session.
Afterwards artists set up around the community and instructed youth on different aspects of the genera and the schools to consider furthering their talents.
A local venue hosted a dinner for the animators, many festival goers and the local theater provided a live band and comedian for entertainment.
Again this year we are having
Comedy &
All submissions must be comedies or animation.
***Comedies should be funny, fun and have fabulous happy ending.
***Animation can be
3D computer animation
Traditional animation
Stop motion
Any genera in this categories is allowed.
Grand prize one over all winner.
Free entries if won, wave their prize winnings.
Laurels to category winners.
(Looking for sponsors for additional prizes is ongoing.)