The Grand Rapids Feminist Film Festival (GRFFF) is celebration dedicated to elevating voices and showcasing talent from historically underrepresented groups in mainstream media.
Our mission is to:
● Bring awareness to the lack of diverse representation in front of and behind the camera
● Inspire and empower media creators of underrepresented and marginalized groups to engage in filmmaking as a feminist act
● Examine media through the intersecting lenses of gender, sexuality, race, ability, class, age, etc.
● Cultivate a welcoming safe space that fosters cross-cultural understanding
The GRFFF was originally the brainchild of independent publisher The Bandit Zine as a film version of their magazine. What started as a small evening showcase has now grown into an all-day festival that includes interactive workshops and panels, performances by local artists, and films screened from around the world.
This year, the festival will be held at Wealthy Theatre in Grand Rapids. We'll be hosting speakers, performances, and upwards of 25 short films.
We’re excited to see the fest grow even more this year, and are so happy to be a part of the ever-evolving Grand Rapids feminist community.
GRFFF is run entirely by volunteers and is made possible through community partnerships and sponsors.