is a pay-per-view streaming channel for films that do not contain gratuitous violence. The channel is available worldwide.
We accept feature-length and short films, as well as TV and Web Series in the following categories:
▪ Narrative
▪ Documentary
▪ Docudrama
▪ Animation
▪ Experimental
▪ Music Videos
▪ TV Series
▪ Masterclasses
The films must not showcase extreme or graphic acts of violence that are gratuitous. Films depicting current or historical events of a violent nature such as wars are accepted. Films depicting traumatic events are accepted.
What to expect after submitting a film or TV series:
You will receive an answer by the end of the month following that in which you make the submission. If your project is accepted for distribution, you will receive a Contract Proposal to release your film on
Summary of our Distribution Contract terms:
1. Non-exclusive;
2. Proceeds are split 60/40 (60% goes to filmmaker);
3. Geo-blocking available.