★ 900 Five-Star Reviews ★

★ IMDb Qualifying Festival ★

Florence Film Awards is a monthly and annual international film festival that had important movie stars among the films in competition, as Brad Pitt, Morgan Freeman, 12-time Grammy winner Willie Nelson, Peter Bogdanovich, Ben Affleck, Jeremy Irons, Anita Ekberg, William Baldwin, Eric Roberts, Mira Sorvino, Terrence Howard, Malcolm McDowell, Jeremy Piven, Vincent Riotta, Billy Zane, Bill Nighy, Kevin Mcnally, James Phelps, Nino Frassica, Claudia Gerini and many more actors and directors from all around the world. 

Florence is the city of the Art and we think that films are the highest point of the Art. Our mission is to promote films, and be another step up in the filmmakers' careers.
Each month, our Jury will award the best films.

Submission guarantees you to participate in both the monthly and annual editions.


Best Picture (feature film or short film, any genre)

Best Feature Film
Best Feature Documentary
Best Indie Feature Film (low budget)
Best Short Film
Best Indie Short Film (low budget)
Best Short Documentary
Best Super Short Film
Best Web/Tv Series
Best Music Video
Best Student Film
Best Experimental
Best Animation
Best Inspirational Film
Best Drama
Best Comedy
Best Horror
Best Thriller
Best Action
Best Sci-Fi
Best Fantasy
Best Producer
Best First Time Director
Best Director Feature Film
Best Director Short Film
Best Actress
Best Actor
Best Screenplay
Best Original Score
Best Original Song
Best Cinematography
Best Editing
Best Sound Design
Best Short Script
Best Feature Script

Gold Awards
Silver Awards
Honorable Mentions

All winners receive a free certificate (pdf/jpg file).

We accept:
- Short and feature films, in the form of narrative (fiction), documentary (non fiction), experimental or animated film.
- Music Videos
- Web/TV Series (also pilot)
- Feature Scripts, Short Scripts

By submitting your film, take note that:
- You agree to use parts of your film (including trailer/teaser/film poster/stills) for promotional purpose.
- Entry fees are non-refundable.
- Multiple entries are allowed for each filmmaker and each entry may be entered in multiple categories.
- By submitting for the festival, you agree to receive promotional emails from the festival itself or from its partners.
- You agree to receive promotional email from us and our festival partners
- The films must include English subtitles (unless the spoken language is English or Italian)
- The scripts must be in English or Italian.

We do not accept:
1. Amateur videos
2. Extremist or propaganda content from religious or political organizations
3. Films involving politics / films promoting political agenda
4. Films with a poor production standard (bad sound, lack of subtitles/captions for non-English films, video resolution less than 720p HD

Overall Rating
  • Thank you to Florence Film Awards for having awarded "Michael, the Bulwark" as the best original music.

    February 2025
  • I was extremely happy to receive the Gold Award: Feature Documentary for my film SEMITJOV - DREAMS FOR A BETTER WORLD. December 2024.


    January 2025
  • Thank you very much for the Best Drama Award 🥇 for my film, Burn-Out Blue. Our entire film team truly appreciates this honor! Thank you for recognizing our efforts!

    January 2025
  • Yana Toyber

    I'm so grateful for the selection and the award.

    January 2025
  • Good Festival. Appreciate the Silver Award for our short film Sons & Broken Noses

    February 2025