Regulations Flicks International Student Short Film Festival
15th, 16th, 17th and 18th of March 2025, Groningen, The Netherlands
Films are eligible for the Flicks International Student Short Film Festival if:
• The film is no longer than 30 minutes
• The film has a completion date after January 2023
• The film is produced or directed be a student, who is attending a high school, college, university or a corresponding educational institution
• The film has clear-spoken English dialogues or has English subtitles.
The makers own or cleared all rights of the submitted materials.
By submitting your film, Flicks International Student Short Film Festival has the right to screen selected films during the festival without paying for any screening fees. Furthermore, Flicks International Student Short Film Festival has the rights to use for promotional purposes before and after the Flicks International Student Short Film Festival of 2025.
How to enter?
To enter the festival, you have to submit your film on before the entry deadline of November 2024. Please be sure to upload your film subtitled in English if English in not the main language. Don't forgot to give us the password to access your film if it's in private.
Selection procedure
The Flicks International Student Short Film Festival committee will select films that will be shown during the festival. You will receive an e-mail if you are participating or not.
By submitting an entry to the Flicks International Student Short Film Festival you acknowledge and agree with the following points:
- I am fully authorized to grant permission to the Flicks International Student Short Film Festival for showing my entry during the festival
- I declare that I own or cleared all the rights of my entry submitted to the Flicks International Student Short Film Festival
- The Flicks International Student Short Film Festival and their affiliated websites cannot be held responsible in any way for the content of my entry
- I indemnify and hold harmless the Flicks International Student Short Film Festival from and against all claims and legal expenses in connection with any claim, or third party claims based on my entry submitted to the Flicks International Student Short Film Festival
The Management and/or board of Flicks International Student Short Film Festival can always decide on exceptions to the regulations. Participation on Flicks International Student Short Film Festival implies acceptance of these regulations and decisions made by the management and board. The management and/or board of the Flicks International Student Short Film Festival decide in all cases where the regulations do not suffice.