FOSA – Short Film is focused on bringing students interpretation of sustainability to the screen.

Students are invited to create a short film which can be created and presented in any film format i.e. documentary, animation etc. The festival will create a platform for students to learn various techniques whilst delivering a message guided by one of the 17 UN Sustainability goals.

Films will be screened in age categories (Grade 3-6 Junior / Grade 7-12 Senior) and workshops run by local filmmakers and industry professionals will be available for both and public.

Winner to have their film shown at the Gold Coast Film Festival 2021
Educational workshops
Sustainable excursions
Physical prizes

The competition is open to Australian school students enrolled in schools or home-schooled from Grade 3 - Grade 12.
A competitor may enter an unlimited number of entries.
Each entry should be no longer than 3 minutes in length for primary school students and no longer than 5 minutes in length for high school students, including titles and credits.
Entries should be suitable for public viewing and must not contain obscene or offensive content such as adult themes, violence, drug use, coarse language, nudity as judged by FOSA officials.
All entries must be submitted via the FilmFreeway submission portal during the specified entry period. Other delivery forms may be accepted if written permission is obtained from the FOSA Team ( at least 10 days prior to the competition close date.
The preferred film file type is .mov or mp4.
Only one person may be the representative of the film. Any prize or requests for publicity will be directed to this person.
All key pre-production, production and post-production roles must only be undertaken by the student. Older people, parents and film and television professionals can mentor and advise students, but not actually perform the roles in any way or actively assist in the performance of the roles. Please note: These regulations exclude Actors, who can be of any age.
Films must have been made between during the year of entry.
Previous FOSA entries will not be accepted.
Permission must be obtained from the parent/guardian and teacher of individual entrant. If consent has not been obtained, the film will, unfortunately, be disqualified
All submissions must be original (both audio and video material) and must not include copyright material, unless suitable copyright permissions have been obtained.
You agree to fully indemnify FOSA against any loss, damage or claim made against them, for any intellectual property infringement by you.
The quality of the film is the student’s responsibility. The film submitted and received within the entry period is the version that will be judged. No subsequent versions will be accepted after the competition close date.
FOSA reserve the right to redesignate films they believe have been improperly placed in a category, to
a more appropriate one.
The organisers of FOSA may use films submitted for entry or excerpts from it to promote the competition to the public by whatever means it sees fit. This includes online, print and multimedia. We retain this right indefinitely despite additional competitions the film may be entered into.
Entrants may be contacted by media in relation to their FOSA entry. Entry in the competition is deemed as consent of this.
The winner MUST be willing to be involved in promotional activity arranged by FOSA. Entry in the competition is deemed as accepting this obligation.
All decisions of FOSA and judges are final.
All prizes are non-transferable or redeemable for cash.
Winners will be announced at the FOSA Gala Awards evening.
You agree to comply with all the reasonable requests of the FOSA organisers.
You must agree to these terms and conditions when submitting a film.