EQUUS International is the premier venue for equine film, television and alt-media.
EIFF is the world's first equine film festival, founded in Montana as an outreach project of Horse Haven Montana, equine rescue, adoption and education and the Institute for Horse-Human Understanding
EQUUS International returns to Missoula, Montana this year, one of the most horse-centric, historic and culturally diverse, landscape stunning cities in the American west.
EQUUS International's mission is education and understanding to enhance the equine/human bond and to improve the welfare and well-being of all equines through excellence in film and television.
EIFF celebrates filmmakers, storytellers, equestrians, and advocates for the horse; through documentaries, narrative features, shorts, full-length films, music videos and animation.
An annual film festival and international horse event, with some of the world's leading clinicians, we've featured among others, Dr. Temple Grandin, Buck Brannaman, Smoke Elser, Nick Dowers, Ty Murray, Bryan Neubert, Martin Black, and Joe Wolter, who received annual awards and global recognition. Equine Icon awards recognize individuals whose lives have had a dramatic impact on the equine/human bond.
Equus International Film Festival is a project of the not for profit organization, Horse Haven Montana.
It is our mission and purpose to bring this programming to a global public, to audiences, communities, schools, organizations, government agencies, and audiences worldwide devoted to the horse-human relationship. EIFF strives to be diverse in its film and television presentations, as unique as the issues and topics that we encounter in the equine world.
Sponsors, supporters and friends who help to make this event possible, present an ethical approach to the equine world; understanding and supporting our mission, and include other organizations, outfitters, guest ranches, environmental groups, broadcasters and other media organizations, and individuals who believe in our principles to promote education, responsible horse ownership and equine welfare. Please join us.
Awards and prizes including beautifully engraved hand-carved wood and glass awards, merit certificates and honorable mentions including extensive social media recognition.