To be eligible, unfinished projects must be in early to late stages of production with an intended completed duration of 70 minutes or more, originate within North America, and have at least one key creative (producer or director) who maintains a full-time office in North America. The full project must be submitted online as outlined below per all Rules & Terms and meet all deadlines. IF project is selected as one of the five (5) finalists, the project must be ready and the team fully prepared to PITCH ONLINE - AND AT LEAST ONE PROJECT REPRESENTATIVE MUST TRAVEL TO San Rafael, CA to PITCH IN PERSON on April 30, 2025, during DocLands Documentary Film Festival. DOCPITCH is not a finishing or marketing fund, and projected completion date must be at least six months beyond May 2025. *All materials must be submitted via FilmFreeway. Emails will NOT be accepted.
Applicants must be over the age of 18, own the copyright and maintain editorial control of a project with an intended duration of 70 minutes or longer, and submit all project elements through the FilmFreeway DocPitch project page as listed below by the submission deadline. DOCPITCH does not fund student films, docuseries, fiction projects, or projects that are in final stages of post-production or already completed. All Finalists will be notified by the end of January 2025, and must travel to DocLands at their own risk and expense.
Applicant must first register and create a personal project page of their DOCPITCH submission on FilmFreeway. All mandatory elements are listed below in the order prompted by FilmFreeway. Emails will not be accepted. Submissions deemed Incomplete will be ineligible and may automatically be disqualified without notice or refund of submission fees.
Please provide a 2-3 sentence (approx 50 words) summary of the project that captures the most important elements -- setting, participants/subjects, key issues, and form. (Label as 'Logline' and include at the top of the Brief Synopsis field.)
1. STORY CONCEPT SUMMARY/SYNOPSIS (up to 250 - 500 words)
Why is this topic important, timely, or relevant? Give an overview introducing the main participants/subjects and plot points of the film. Which DocLands programming strand (The Great Outdoors, Art of Impact, Wonderlands) do you think your film would best be suited? (Label as 'Story Concept Summary or Synopsis' and include below the 'Logline' in the Brief Synopsis field.)
IF you have any social media channels set up, please include URLs.
(Insert URLS in appropriate fields listed.)
Include name and contacts of the person who is able to answer any project-related questions, supply additional information as required, and be available to respond to any/all notifications THROUGHOUT the full submission process. Project may be disqualified if submitter misses deadlines or is non-responsive.
3. KEY CREATIVE PERSONNEL (50 - 100 words words/bio)
Provide credits and brief bios for key personnel attached to the project.
(Paste under 'Prior Credits' for each crew member. Add additional ‘Persons’ and ‘Credit Sections’ as required. Except Director - they will be added separately under 'Director Headshot & Biography'.)
• Project Type
• Runtime
• Completion Date (anticipated)
• Production Budget (total US$)
• Country(s) of Origin
• Country(s) of Filming
• Language
• Shooting Format, etc.
5. Screenings & Distribution - if relevant.
ie: another pitching forum winner, etc. and if there is some form of distribution already secured.
When you 'SAVE PROJECT', you will be taken to 'VIEW PROJECT’ and will be asked to:
• ADD ONLINE SCREENER (3-5 minute duration preferred, but no longer than 10 minutes.)
Add an initial trailer, teaser, or if you haven't either of those, a sample will be accepted. Please do not include a screener longer than 10 minutes in duration, film rough cuts, or completed films.
*Please note: if your project is chosen, you will have additional time before the DocPitch event itself to provide a FINAL 3-5' trailer.
• STILLS PHOTOS (Up to six)
If available, please include high resolution stills that are appropriate to be used for DocLands and CAFILM public website and social platforms, press and promotional purposes. If chosen as a Finalist, at least one hi-res still photo will be required.
• ADD DIRECTOR HEADSHOT (high resolution) & BIOGRAPHY (250 words)
How are you going to tell this story? Describe your creative vision for the project. What are the visual and audio elements that will bring your film to life? How will you enhance the experience of the viewer?
What is your connection and access to the story? Why are you the best filmmaker(s) to tell this story? What unique lens and/or insights do you bring to the story? If relevant, what are your processes of accountability, consent, transparency, feedback, etc - steps being taken to ensure participants/subjects featured have agency in the filmmaking process, from pre-production through distribution? (Label and include with above Director/Filmmakers Statement.)
If available, please include relevant information.
• FILES & ATTACHMENTS - Please attach the documents listed below as attachments:
• PROJECT STAGE & TIMELINE (up to 500 words + timeline in table format)
Explain the current status of the project. Outline the projected production timeline from the project's current state to the anticipated completion date. PLEASE HIGHLIGHT THE STAGE YOU EXPECT YOUR PROJECT TO BE AT IN APRIL 2025. Please detail major project activities and anticipated post-production leading up to your completion date. If you have applied to this initiative previously, please share how the project has progressed. (Label and attach document.)
• FUNDRAISING/STRATEGY (up to 500 words)
Describe the overall fundraising strategy for the film. (Label and attach as 'Fundraising/Strategy' document.)
Characterize the intended distribution life for your film. Specify plans for festival, theatrical, and/or community screenings, securing broadcast and/or distribution.
(Label as 'Distribution & Marketing Strategy' and include with 'Fundraising/Strategy'.)
**Please note that as the DocLands Documentary Film Festival presents this funding opportunity, if your project is selected as either Audience or Jury Award winner, you MUST grant DocLands the first right of refusal for your Bay Area Premiere.**
• AWARD IMPACT (up to 250 words)
Should you receive an award, describe how any granted funds would be spent and how it would help you move forward with your project. (Label as 'Award Impact' and include in 'Fundraising/Strategy'.)
Please provide a US dollar breakdown of your project's projected expenses, from development through release, including a budget total. Provide budget notes for any areas that may be out of the ordinary or require explanation.
(Label as 'Budget' and include in 'Fundraising/Strategy'.)
• FUNDING TO DATE (Illustrate as a table)
Include all sources and amounts raised to date. Distinguish between potential sources and secured amounts. List other funding under consideration and whether to be applied or if it's pending. (Label as 'Funding to Date' and include in 'Fundraising/Strategy'.) Please note current funding gap.
** The five (5) shortlisted filmmaking teams (Finalists) selected for DocPitch will be notified no later than February 21, 2025. These shortlisted filmmakers will be the ONLY FILMMAKERS required to submit their FINAL budget including current FUNDING GAP by March 14, 2025 -- and their pre-recorded video pitch presentation AND a final 3-5 minute trailer by April 4, 2025 as well as ATTEND to pitch IN-PERSON on April 30, 2025.
BY MARCH 14, 2025: Final budget that states your current funding gap.
BY APRIL 4, 2025: Pre-recorded video pitch presentation AND a final 3-5 minute trailer -- these elements can be submitted separately or edited together. Video pitch and trailer whether edited together or submitted separately, MUST NOT exceed 10 minutes in total duration. Finalists must also be prepared for the in-person LIVE pitch that will take place in San Rafael on April 30, 2025.
By submitting your Project for consideration, you grant the California Film Institute permission to virtually screen and display select non-confidential submitted materials from your work-in-progress online if accepted. Applicants are solely responsible for obtaining all necessary rights and permissions for third-party materials included within their submitted Project, including but not limited to music, trademarks, logos, copyrights, and other intellectual property rights. The California Film Institute expressly disavows any responsibility for, and will not be held responsible for, any unauthorized inclusion of any trademarked content or materials within or relating to the submitted Project. Signatory also gives CAFILM permission to use stills and excerpts from Project for promotional purposes if required. DocLands Documentary Film Festival requires first right of refusal for for Bay Area premieres for the two Finalists selected for the Audience or Jury Awards.
**IMPORTANT: If you are unable to agree to or commit to any of the above, or if you fail to include all elements requested for your submission, your project may be disqualified and thereby not eligible to be considered for DocPitch. Projects selected will also be disqualified if filmmakers fail to comply with deadlines. Because of the administrative process and tight timeline, all submissions must be complete by the deadline. Fee or deadline waivers are not offered.
DocPitch will take place during DocLands Documentary Film Festival April 30 - May 4, 2025.