DiversidArte Social Inclusion short Film Festival is a support created for the promotion, production, and cultural diffusion of Art where its main protagonists are people with intellectual, physical, psychic and sensory diversity along with other groups in situation and risk of exclusion with activities that promote synergies between collectives and their own inclusion as artists within society.

... THE DIFFERENT; those who do not "fit", or are considered "unfittable." Barriers that our NON PROFIT Charity Poten100mos through this project wants to break and demonstrate that DIVERSITY is one of the great riches of our society and Art is Universal.

Best Social Inclusion Documentary- 500€
Best Social Inclusion Fiction short film- 500€

1. Participation in the Short and Documentary Competition is open to all filmmakers over the age of 16, both individually and collectively, regardless of nationality or residence.
2. Registration dates: from November 15, 2023 to April 1, 2024, both inclusive.
3. Special consideration will be given to those short films in the Galician language and/or made in Galicia.
4. Preselection. In order to be preselected, the works must meet the following requirements:
Movies can be silent or with sound. If they are sound films, all works that must be subtitled in Galician or Spanish making them accessible to deaf or hard of hearing people.
The maximum duration of the shorts will be 30 minutes.
Only works carried out from 2022 to 2024, both inclusive, will be accepted.
A maximum of two short films per author can be submitted.
The works must be correctly identified to be shortlisted (see submission forms).
The authors have to hold all the rights of exhibition and promotion of the works and the material they present.
The films must deal with social themes, which exclusively affect the following groups:
People with functional diversity (physical, intellectual, psychic and/or
Ethnic minorities.
Single parents with dependant children.
People who are homeless or affected by housing issues.
Victims of discrimination, due to sexual orientation or gender identity.
Asylum seekers.
People with addiction problems.
Children or young people affected by bullying.
Long-term unemployed, under 25 or over 55.

Pre-selection: the DiversimaCine team will select a certain number of works to be screened in two passes.
5. Public voting. The organization will preselect a certain number of documentaries and short fiction films that will be screened, in two passes, on different days, in a room open to the public in June. Attendees will vote, choosing the three (3) best
documentaries and the three (3) best fiction films, which will be deliberated by the Jury who will give the final prize.
6. Jury. The jury will choose at the end of the festival in June 2024 among the works most voted by the public, the best documentary and the best short fiction film, the prize will be €500 for each category and will be made public on the social networks of the DiversidArte Platform and on
website of the festival www.diversidartefestival.gal
7. The Jury will be composed of relevant figures from culture, cinema and the social sector. Its decision will be final.
8. Contestants are responsible for ensuring that the short films submitted are not subject to any legal claims.
9. The participants will transfer the broadcast rights to the DiversidArte Festival, for educational and non-profit purposes.
10. The two winning (awarded) works will send a thank-you video, to be able to publish at our Social Networks.
11. Participants will be notified of the selected works by phone or email before May 1, 2024. At the same time, the selection will be published on DiversidArte's social networks and on the Festival website www.diversidartefestival.gal
12. Shipping methods:
By e-mail: diversimacine@poten100mos.org via Wetransfer or via Vimeo or Youtube (with password and download option activated) as follows:
• Video files must have a maximum size of 8GB.
• It is essential that they come with subtitles in Spanish or Galician.
• The files must have MOV, AVI, MP4 or MPEG extension (H264 codec).
Online, through the FilmFreeway platform:
• If you send entries that do not contain subtitles in Spanish or Galician, you must resend the subtitled short, either by e-mail or by certified mail.
• If they do not contain the minimum required information (see point 13) about the work and the author, they must be sent separately, by e-mail to diversimacine@poten100mos.org, to be shortlisted.

By certified mail: in DVD or flash drive format, shipping at the contestant's expense, to the following address:
"Poten100mos Association", Rúa/ Antón Vilar Ponte, 9 Baixo, A Coruña, 15005
13. Mandatory information. Regardless of the form of delivery (email, FilmFreeway or regular mail) it is mandatory that it contains the following information:
• Details of the work: specify whether you access the Documentary or Short fiction award; title of the short film, cover of the work, synopsis, technical and artistic profile, and a brief description of the reality that is to be portrayed.
• Author details: name, photocopy of DNI, NIE or passport, telephone, address, email, short CV and place of residence.
14. The participation in this Certame implies the acceptance of its bases.