A true-crime story of a Sex Crimes Detective suffering from PTSD, who chased a homicidal sexual predator targeting the elderly across the country. This short film is only the beginning of an incredible odyssey that brought a "Monster" to justice
Author, Producer, Actor, Podcast Host, Screenwriter, US Army (Military Intelligence), 30-Year Law Enforcement career.
The Film's Why -
After completing a tour of duty in the US Army Military Intelligence, I started a 30-year career in law enforcement. Though, I worked many assignments, to include Patrol, Burglary, Sex Crimes, Child Crimes, Homicide, and was the Crime Stoppers Sergeant, my passion was the investigations involving crimes targeting the most vulnerable in our community - children and the elderly.
Upon retirement, I wrote a book called Twisted But True as a fundraiser for the Crime Stoppers nonprofit. The book was filled with funny, dark and compelling stories based upon my military and police career, which to my surprise did very well on Amazon and spawned a true-crime book trilogy. One of the stories was "That One Case," which dealt with a horrific Home Invasion Rape and Murder of an elderly couple: Hazel and John Durnavich. Though, I was ultimately able to locate and arrest this "Monster," the case has always haunted me with the swath of carnage across the country and to John and Hazel.
That pain prompted me to write a screenplay about my true-life story as a Sex Crimes detective suffering from PTSD, who struggled through the many challenges to stop a homicidal sexual predator targeting the elderly and ultimately located the "Monster" and brought him to justice.
To help me tell this story, I sought the assistance of artistic professionals throughout our community and Hollywood to create this short film, which touches on just the early stages of this longer journey, which I hope will not only tell Hazel and John's story, but by doing so will ultimately help educate a community as to the need (and most importantly the HOW) to safeguard the most vulnerable of our society - the elderly.

Author Information -
Author - The award-winning “Twisted But True” book trilogy, containing close to 100 hilarious, dark and compelling true-crime stories.
Author - Twisted But True Book Trilogy
Book Reviews:-
- Lt. Col. Dave Grossman (Ret.) called the entire Twisted But True book series, “… HILARIOUS, DEEP and POWERFUL…” and ID Channel Homicide Hunter producer Briana Scheibel called Twisted But True Book III, “…HUMOROUS, HEROISM and HORROR …” and National book critic Linda Strong called Twisted But True, “... GUT-CLENCHING LAUGH-OUT-LOUD FUNNY.”
- Awards:
Twisted But True received the 2019 Pinnacle Award for Best True-Crime Book and proceeds benefit a Crimestoppers non-profit program.
Twisted But True Book II - Filling in the Cracks received the 2020 Pinnacle Award for Best True-Crime Book and was featured on ID Channel’s American Detective with Lt. Joe Kenda.
Twisted But True Book III - Plugging Up the Holes received the 2021 Pinnacle Award for Best True-Crime Book.
With well over two hundred 5-Star reviews, the Twisted But True book series was featured on several television shows and the trilogy is available on AMAZON, Barns & Noble and can be ordered from all bookstores. Twisted But True (Book #1), Twisted But True Book II - Filling in the Cracks, and Twisted But True Book III - Plugging Up the Holes are all available on Amazon’s Audiobook.
Film & Entertainment Information -
Producer, Writer and Actor - In Monster's Hands Short Film
Actor - Featured detective on the ID Channel series “American Detective with Lt. Joe Kenda” series finale (Lights Out), featured detective on Oxygen Channel's "Snapped" 2023 Halloween Special, Buried Alive: The Clay Killer" Film, Who Killed Angel Adams
Radio Show Host “5-0 Info” radio show on Arizona's KTAR for a decade.
TV and Podcast Hosts “Badge Boys” with Jason Schechterle.
The Badge Boys Show was created to promote a positive relationship between community and police. The TV show is on AXON’s FRN (First Responders Network).
Professional Law Enforcement Biography -
Sergeant Darren Burch is a 29-year veteran with the Phoenix Police Department and was the Silent Witness Program Director at the time of his retirement. His prior assignments include Detective Supervisor with the Crimes Against Children Unit, Night Detective Supervisor with the Homicide Unit, and Detective with Adult Sex Crimes Unit. The bulk of his investigative career was dedicated to the apprehension of sexual predators.
With over 30 years of law enforcement experience, having also held positions with the Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office and U.S. Army Military Intelligence, Darren has received numerous awards to include, the Medal of Lifesaving and the Army Commendation Medal. He was also named “Investigator of the Year” by the Arizona Attorney General’s Office, “Detective of the Year” by the Phoenix Police Department, and has over 100 written commendations.
Austin Peay State University
Administration of Justice
Birth Date
July 14, 1962
Birth City
Current City
Eye Color
Zodiac Sign
Married To
A true-crime story of a Sex Crimes Detective suffering from PTSD, who chased a homicidal sexual predator targeting the elderly across the country. This short film is only the beginning of an incredible odyssey that brought a "Monster" to justice
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