To enter the CrowdSource Studios Script Competition, you must agree to our Terms and Conditions.
Screenplays must be in English, formatted in 12-point courier font, must be under 120 pages (pilots under 70 p.) with standard margins and spacing, and pages must be numbered.
Our competition is international & open to anyone, anywhere, however; We are only looking for English language scripts/pilots AND If you are under the age of 18 when you enter, you must have written parental (or guardian) consent to enter.
Scripts/pilots should have a title page which includes the writer(s) name(s) and valid contact information.
Pilots do NOT need act breaks, but if you have them, it's fine too.
The submitted script/pilot must be in PDF format (preferably under 500kb) and must be submitted electronically.
There is no limit to the number of projects you may submit. Multiple submissions are allowed. Each script/pilot must be submitted separately with its own entry registration and entry fee.
All entries must be received on or before midnight (U.S. Pacific Time) on the date of the deadline and must be paid in full to be considered.
Submissions must be original screenplays/pilots unless adapted from source material written by the submitting author(s) or with the permission of the author of said source material. All rights must be optioned or owned by the entrant at the time of submitting.
Adaptations are eligible as long as the writer can prove full ownership of the original property or life rights (or if the source material is public domain according to US Copyright law).
Substitutions or revisions of entered material are not allowed, unless formally resubmitted.
This competition is VOID WHERE PROHIBITED or restricted by any Federal, State or Local laws.
All authors of any submission must be listed in the online entry process. The first author listed should be considered the primary contact. Upon submitting the entry, all authors listed agree to the terms of the contest. If the script is written by a writing team, it must be submitted by one of the writers with the consent of the other(s).
By entering our Competition, you consent to becoming a member of CrowdSource Studios. (Membership is free & you may cancel anytime).
Screenplays/pilots which have any “shopping agreements”, options or sales in place at the time of entry are not qualified. If a “shopping agreement”, option or sale is realized/entered into for your submitted script/pilot after entry, please notify us.
No submissions will be returned and we are not liable for the loss of any submissions.
The entry fee must be paid in US Dollars and is non-refundable.
The competition, its coordinators, judges &/or employees may not be held responsible for any errors or omissions.
The decisions of the judges are final and may not be appealed.
Although not a requirement, we recommend that all screenplays/pilots be registered and/or copyrighted by the author(s) with an appropriate agency before submission to our (or any) competition. To protect your script, we strongly suggest you register your work with the US Copyright Office.
At this time; we are seeking low budget* scripts/pilots IN ANY GENRE:
In the event of multiple writers, list all additional co-writers.
The cover page does not count towards the overall script page count.
All rights to submitted screenplays/pilots are retained by the author(s).
It is acknowledged that similar concepts, ideas, stories, characters or other elements may be embodied in more than one submission and that any overlap of such reasonably shared concepts, ideas, stories, characters or other elements do not entitle any entrant to any compensation or credit.
It is acknowledged that any submissions are the original work of the author(s) listed, and are not in violation of any copyright laws, trademarks, intellectual property rights or basic ethical standards of amateur or professional writing.
Any entry found to be in violation of any of the above or to be proven to be plagiarized in any way will be immediately disqualified.
Furthermore, you agree to indemnify and hold harmless CrowdSource Studios, as well as our employees, partners, owners, and affiliates, from any & all claims and liabilities and we shall in no way be held liable for any such legal action which may result from unlawful or restricted submissions.
We reserve the right to make any necessary changes to scheduling, including entry fees & deadlines.
We will contact finalists via the information you provide in our entry form. It is the responsibility of the entrant to make sure that we have accurate contact information.
By entering the competition, the writer(s) understand(s) that, although CrowdSource Studios will make best efforts to do so, there is no guarantee of production in the event that a script/pilot is chosen as a winner.
Please do not submit any pitches, testimonials, casting recommendations, trailers, links or any other material with your submission (such as glitter... we’re looking at you, Tobias Fünke).
Scripts based on an existing book/play/film/TV or other existing material are only eligible if the existing work is the entrant’s original work and the entrant maintains copyright.
Please don't submit spec scripts for existing television shows.
Scripts/pilots based on historical events are eligible provided the information is in the public domain and the entrant does not violate copyrighted material or another author’s work.
All ages from anywhere in the world are eligible although entrants under 18 must have written permission from a parent or suitable guardian.
All material submitted to other competitions or contests (including our own) are eligible.
There are no requirements as to when the material was written.
Any submitted work that is published or produced between the time of submission and the end of the voting period will no longer be eligible, please notify us if this is the case.
“Short” screenplays are not eligible.
You maintain copyright and all rights to your screenplay/pilot. Your entry grants no power over your script/pilot to CrowdSource Studios.
Entry into our competition does not convey or transfer any rights to us whatsoever.
If you are chosen as an overall winner, we will provide a separate agreement for you to consider with an attorney, related to the production of the screenplay/pilot into a feature film/pilot.