Welcome to the Courtyard Independent Film Festival, 𝗜𝗠𝗗𝗯-𝗾𝘂𝗮𝗹𝗶𝗳𝘆𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗙𝗲𝘀𝘁𝗶𝘃𝗮𝗹, where the magic of indie cinema comes alive in the intimate and picturesque setting of a Musem. After the first edition, in the heart of Ottaviano (Naples, IT), our festival celebrates the art of storytelling through film, highlighting the creativity and ingenuity of independent filmmakers from around the world inside the Museo Emblema (Terzigno, IT) who officially host our second edition.

A Unique Setting: Our festival takes place in a museum called Museo Emblema, where artistic evenings of unquestionable value constantly take place. Surrounded by ivy-clad walls, soft string lights, and the gentle rustling of leaves in the evening breeze, this enchanting venue creates the perfect ambiance for an unforgettable cinematic experience.

Diverse and Inspiring Films: Courtyard Independent Film Festival showcases a diverse range of independent films that challenge conventions, explore new narratives, and captivate audiences with their authenticity. From compelling documentaries to heartwarming dramas and mind-bending experimental works, our carefully curated lineup promises something for every film enthusiast.

Engaging Discussions: In addition to film screenings, the festival offers engaging discussions and Q&A sessions with filmmakers, providing a unique opportunity to gain insights into their creative processes and the stories behind their films. These sessions foster a sense of community and connect filmmakers with an appreciative audience.

Supporting Independent Filmmaking: By attending the Courtyard Independent Film Festival, you are not only enjoying outstanding films but also supporting the vibrant world of independent filmmaking. Your presence and enthusiasm help these talented filmmakers share their stories with the world.

Join Us: Whether you’re a cinephile, a casual moviegoer, or someone seeking a unique cultural experience, the Courtyard Independent Film Festival welcomes you to be a part of this cinematic journey. Bring your friends, family, or come solo, and immerse yourself in the captivating world of independent cinema, all within the enchanting embrace of a garden rich of art.



Benvenuti al Courtyard Independent Film Festival, dove la magia del cinema indipendente rivive nella cornice intima e pittoresca di un incantevole museo. Dopo la prima edizione, effettuata nel cuore di Ottaviano (Napoli, IT), il nostro festival celebrerà l’arte di raccontare storie attraverso il cinema, mettendo in risalto la creatività e l’ingegno di registi indipendenti provenienti da tutto il mondo all'interno del Museo Emblema.

Un ambiente unico: il nostro festival si svolge in un museo che emana fascino rustico ed evoca un senso di nostalgia; uno spazio, quello del Museo Emblema, dove hanno costantemente luogo serate artistico di indiscutibile valore. Circondato da pareti rivestite di edera, luci soffuse e il dolce fruscio delle foglie nella brezza serale, questo luogo incantevole crea l’ambiente perfetto per un’esperienza cinematografica indimenticabile.

Film diversi e stimolanti: Courtyard Independent Film Festival presenta una vasta gamma di film indipendenti che sfidano le convenzioni, esplorano nuove narrazioni e affascinano il pubblico con la loro autenticità. Da documentari avvincenti a drammi commoventi e opere sperimentali strabilianti, la nostra selezione attentamente curata promette qualcosa per ogni appassionato di cinema.

Discussioni coinvolgenti: oltre alle proiezioni di film, il festival offre discussioni coinvolgenti e sessioni di domande e risposte con i registi, offrendo un’opportunità unica per ottenere informazioni dettagliate sui loro processi creativi e sulle storie dietro i loro film. Queste sessioni promuovono un senso di comunità e mettono in contatto i registi con un pubblico riconoscente.

Sostenere il cinema indipendente: partecipando al Courtyard Independent Film Festival, non solo potrai goderti film eccezionali, ma sosterrai anche il vivace mondo del cinema indipendente. La tua presenza e il tuo entusiasmo aiutano questi registi di talento a condividere le loro storie con il mondo.

Unisciti a noi: che tu sia un cinefilo, uno spettatore occasionale o qualcuno alla ricerca di un’esperienza culturale unica, il Courtyard Independent Film Festival ti dà il benvenuto a far parte di questo viaggio cinematografico. Porta i tuoi amici, la tua famiglia o vieni da solo e immergiti nell’affascinante mondo del cinema indipendente, il tutto nell’incantevole abbraccio di un giardino ricco di opere d'arte.

With your submission you automatically considered also for Technical & Performance Awards.

Multiple entries are allowed for each filmmaker and each entry may be entered in multiple categories.

Official Certificate and Live Screening for the Winners of the following categories:

- Best International Short Film
- Miglior Cortometraggio Italiano
- Best Feature Film
- Best Documentary Feature
- Best Feature Script
- Best Short Script
- Best Art Short
- Best Documentary Short
- Best Animation Short
- Best Comedy Short
- Best Dance Short
- Best Drama Short
- Best Experimental Short
- Best First-Time Filmmaker Short
- Best Horror Short
- Best Micro Short
- Best Music Video
- Best Sci-Fi Short
- Best Student Short
- Best Thriller Short

Official Laurel for all the Official Selected Movies.

With your submission you automatically accept our Rules and Terms!

To submit a film, you must have created the project yourself, own the rights or have permission from the owner of the content to submit the film to us, you are entitled of that responsibility and you as a filmmaker YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL THE RIGHTS OF YOUR FILM.

1. Only work created after 2019 is acceptable.
2. You agree to use parts of your film (including trailer/teaser/film poster/stills) for promotional purpose.
3. Multiple entries are allowed for each filmmaker and each entry may be entered in multiple categories.
4. Entry fees are non-refundable.
5. By submitting to the festival you confirm that you own the rights to the work submitted.
6. No short films longer than 40 minutes.
7. No Premiere status is required.
8. We do not accept extremist or propaganda content from religious or political organizations.
9. If your movie will be selected for a live screening session, we do not pay for accomodations or any other expenses. The festival WILL NOT cover any filmmaker expenses. You will be totally responsible for your airfare, accommodation and other travel expenses.
10. Films only be accepted with English subtitles. We will ask for Italian or English subtitles in case of screening selection (it is not a mandatory).
11. We accept scripts in languages ​​other than English, but they may be automatically translated before reading.
12. Only the movies notified before the live event via mail will be screened.
13. "Courtyard Independent Film Festival" DOES NOT PAY SCREENING FEES.
14. You confirm that you have all rights of your project.
15. If the movie is not in Italian, in case of screening selection we will ask you a SUB-ITA or at least a SUB-ENG version of your movie.
16. The Festival will give screening priority to films with representatives. The priority is for those who are at the Festival (Including Local Filmmakers). If you are not able to come but your project win something, we will sent your certificate via email.
17. If your film is selected by our festival, you automatically agree that we may use images from your project for marketing purposes for our festival. If you do not agreed, and do not consent to give us promotional rights to your material, please let us know via email; and then we will withdraw your film from the promotion of our festival. If we do not receive any notification from you within 48 hours after your film is selected, we will assume that you agree this policy.
18. Write us for a pdf of Rules & Terms at the date of your submission or copy them.
19. At our discretion, we may choose to transfer a film to the correct category, but only if the appropriate level of submission fee has been paid.
20. CIFF is not a "prize event" (it means that there are no cash prizes or similar), but an independent and self-financed artistic reality, with artistic purposes and moral recognition for the authors of the best works. All submissions represents a fee for organizing the event. 21.1 Based on the quality and feasibility of the projects, we reserve the opportunity for the author of the annual "best of the fest" to receive a production or distribution offer.

With your submission you also accept all the Rules, Terms & Policies of FilmFreeway.

Disclaimer and Privacy Policy:

- CIFF has three associate events: Robinson FIlm Awards, Giove International Film Festival and the free4all online project "World Indie Film Awards". Every Festival has their own judges, different focus, locations and moods, only the organization company is the same ("JLS Films"). Any resemblance to other events is purely coincidental. We do not represent or can be represented by any other organization.

- We do not disclose any kind of information with third parties.

- *Privacy Policy (for mailing list and for the newsletter): https://www.iubenda.com/privacy-policy/65841260/legal

Finally, please be aware that we do not ask for or accept any kind of donations.

Judging Process

- All submissions will be viewed in their entirety. Submissions will be judged and scored based on criteria including: quality of screenplay, acting, production quality, originality, technical proficiency, cinematography, sound design, editing and set design. We support indie filmmaking and will award additional points to projects produced on a micro budget and/or minimal crew. The selected movies for live screening will be notified via mail also before the official notification date to optimize the organization (it depends from the date of your submission).

- If you do not receive a notification regarding the screening of your project it means that IT HAS NOT BEEN SELECTED FOR SCREENING.

- The eventual status of "Quarter Finalist" or "Semi-Finalist" means that the film HAS NOT REACHED THE NEXT ROUND AND WILL NOT BE CONSIDERED FOR SCREENING, but that it has nevertheless passed the selection phase and can use our official laurel .

The directors of submitted films that are accepted will be notified via e-mail.

Venue & Event Date
The Festival venue or the event date could be change during the organization due to events, technical choices or circumstances.

Fee Waivers
We work hard to keep our submission fees as low as possible – consequently we cannot provide fee waivers.


Overall Rating
  • It was a great experience. Everyone and everything was very professional. Our film got a lot of exposure and an award. What more do you want? Thank you so much.

    May 2024
  • Tom Lop

    Great Experience. The staff was friendly and responsive. The community surrounding the festival was incredibly welcoming. Thank you for selecting WordLotto for Best Feature Film at the Courtyard Independent Film Festival.

    January 2024
  • Iacopo Fontanella

    Ho avuto l'onore di partecipare col mio cortometraggio alla prima edizione del festival, oltretutto la prima selezione italiana del film. Con grande sorpresa, ho inoltre ricevuto una menzione d'onore. Purtroppo non ho potuto presenziare, ma lo staff si è sempre dimostrato molto puntuale nel fornirmi tutte le informazioni necessarie. Unica cosa che mi sento di suggerire (non assolutamente una critica bensì uno spunto per crescere) è che forse sarebbe meglio pubblicare la lista dei selezionati prima dell'evento e solo alla fine i film premiati. Consiglio a tutti la partecipazione anche perché l'iniziativa offre spazi di discussioni con gli autori che, nel panorama dei festival "online" che oggi spopolano, costituisce senz'altro un valore aggiunto.

    January 2024
  • Autumn Libengood

    It was an honor having our film “Life After” At your Film festival. Thank you very much.

    January 2024

    We are really proud to have parteciped at this Festival with our project "LUCY - A pioneer destiny"!

    January 2024