Call for erotic art films.
From sensual to shocking, we are looking for a new generation of filmmakers to put their spin on erotica.
The Dirty Show® is an internationally renowned erotic art exhibition. Now in it’s 25th year, The Dirty Show® has become one of the most important and best attended exhibitions of it’s kind in the world. Occurring for 2 weekends around Valentine's Day in Detroit, the show attracts a crowd of more than 10,000 patrons with over 2,000 per night. It’s a perfect demographic to showcase your erotic film. The Cinerotic™ Film Festival will be part of and take place within the annual Dirty Show® exhibition.
That’s up to you. Surprise us. While we are partial to edgy art, we also have a great respect talent and craft. We don’t have our minds made up beforehand. We want the audience to see what’s in your mind. Your filmic vision. As long as it is legal and it is created by you, we aren’t going to censor.