General guidelines for all films
#1) Categories of Entry:
There are three main categories of entry for this festival, short-form (under 20 minutes total running time), long-form ( 20 minutes to an hour total running time), and features, (over one hour total running time), plus special Showcases.
Please make certain that you have specified which genre(s) your film falls under, in your Online Project Form. A genre helps our judges to identify the film's content. All styles of film will be accepted for review.
#2) Eligibility Requirements:
All Projects must have not played previously in the Sacramento area. This includes internet screenings AND cast/crew screenings. Film's having premiered in other cities are always welcome. Employees and board members are prohibited from entering.
#3) Format Requirements:
Please submit a preview copy of your online secure screener in the 16 by 9 format or pillar-boxed. If accepted, you will be contacted to provide a final screening copy on one of the accepted formats. Audio must be two-channel mono or stereo, 48hz 16bit.
All final screening prints must be submitted on one of the following formats: 35mm, DVD, Blue Ray or digital file AS SPECIFIED BY FESTIVAL. All non-35mm media must be presented in a 16 by 9 format or pillar-boxed to fit a 16 by 9 aspect ratio.
#4) Exhibition Files:
The exhibition copy must be the same film as was submitted for consideration. The festival does not accept unfinished works for consideration.
#5) Awards:
Awards and acknowledgments for Best International film, Best Short, Best Local Short, and;Visionary Spirit; Best Overall Film will be awarded at the festival. Winners may receive award statue plus valuable gifts.
By submitting your film you understand and agree that the festival may use any portions of your of film, to be determined at the festival's discretion, not to exceed 5 minutes in length, for any marketing activities to promote the festival and your screening. Use of film content may include but is not limited to playback over Access non-profit community TV channels, printed marketing pieces, commercial advertisements and Internet distribution.
By submission of your film, you understand and agree that the Festival holds no responsibility for lost media or promotional materials.
You understand that should your film be accepted, you will be notified by and asked to provide the final screening copy.