Chantal Rosengurt is a recognized Argentinian stop motion animator, audiovisual realisator, illustrator, founder of the young MASA Animation Studio, art and animation educator and former scholar Aesthetics investigator. She has worked for clients all over the world (USA, México, India, Spain, Argentina), having worked with Nicolas Villarreal (Disney), and studied with Leo Batic (Disney, DC Comics, Warner) and Carlos Escudero (Paka Paka). Chantal has been honored with several awards including 1st Prize in National Painting Contest “100 years of the Keren Kayemet le Israel”, 1st Prize in Provincial Drawing Stimulus Contest, By The Visual Artists Association of the Province of Buenos Aires, 1st Prize in Photography Contest, by The Republica de los Niños, and the 2nd Prize in Provincial Sculpture Stimulus Contest, by The Visual Artists Association of the Province of Buenos Aires.
Her works have been published and seen in children books (Amazon), magazines, animated commercials, music industry and theatrical scenography. Her works of art has been exhibited in many acknowledged art institutions such as the Centro Cultural Recoleta, Buenos Aires, the International Book Fair held in La Rural, Buenos Aires, and the Centro Cultural Islas Malvinas, La Plata.
Chantal has recently teamed up with Batik, the main and biggest art & stationary supplies stores in the region, to be their Endorser.
She has a Bachelor Degree in Psychology oriented in arts, and a posgraduate academic research about the aesthetic experience. Given all that, she has been invited to give talks, lectures and conferences about her art, Psychology and creativity in many events, as in ADA’s (Argentinian’s Drawing artists Assotiation) Exhibition about the creative process held in the Centro Cultural Islas Malvinas, association in which she is an active member. And was encouraged by the National University of La Plata to be the main organizer and coordinator of the I Simposyum of Psychology and Art held the Faculty of Psychology of that house of studies.
Chantal has devoted herself also to the art, illustration and stop motion animation education, holding workshops and seminars in different institutions, from national events at the Centro Cultural Kirchner, Schools and Hospitals, to her own private and already well known art studio, and was invited by Teeter Pal to become an official instructor.