Submission process:
Deadline of submission 15th of August 2016 (If you are sending your submission by mail, make sure it arrives by the 15th of August
Non-English films must have English subtitles at the time submitted.
Your submission should include the following:
The Festival requires that all films be submitted via a password-protected streaming URL link. Links must remain active and accessible. A downloadable version of the film must be available on the same streaming link. Please prepare this link in advance of beginning your online film entry form. (Online entries via Wetransfer or Dropbox are also accepted)
Your Film in BETACAM, DIGICAM or Blueray. DVDs and DCPs from a Laptop can be accepted. Copies of 35 mm will only be accepted within Germany.
Trailers and/or Fotos can be added to the DVD. They can be used to advertise the Film Festival.
Submit the above materials to:
TFF TheaterFilmFest gUG
Tannenstr. 17
40476 Düsseldorf Germany