“C-Show” is a series of events aimed at fostering cultural exchange and learning between young filmmakers and audiences from China and the U.S. This year’s Short Video Competition invites American youth (ages 15 to 30) to showcase their creativity by producing short videos inspired by Chinese traditional culture, arts, history, and more.

All selected short videos will receive a Certificate of Appreciation. The Top 10 Winners will be awarded:
An honorary "C-Show" Short Video Competition Certificate
A $50 Amazon Gift Card
An invitation to the exclusive “C-Show” Conference

1. Age:
Participants must be U.S.-based and between the ages of 15 to 30.
2. Content:
Videos should highlight a piece of Chinese traditional culture, arts, films, or television. Submissions must be original works, with no plagiarism or copyright violations. Subtitles are not required.
3. Format:
Length: Under 20 minutes, maximum file size 1GB
Format: Horizontal 16:9, MP4, 1080p
4. Language:
The entry may be in English and/or Chinese.

Creativity (30%): How original and compelling is the video?
Expressiveness (30%): Does the video convey its message clearly?
Technical Quality (40%): Is the production quality, including editing and sound, exceptional?