Berkshire Taconic Community Foundation has partnered with the Civic Life Project and the Berkshire Film and Media Collaborative to launch the Bridging Divides, Healing Communities Youth Film Lab.
Bridging Divides, Healing Communities 2023 Youth Film Lab
The following are the rules and regulations for the Bridging Divides, Healing Communities Youth Film Lab (the “Lab”). The Lab has been designed and is being implemented by the Civic Life Project (CLP) and Berkshire Film and Media Collaborative (BFMC) (the “Organizers.”) in partnership with Berkshire Taconic Community Foundation (BTCF).
1. Eligibility:
• Submissions to the Lab may be made by an individual or teams.
• Each Youth Film Lab Participant and every member of a team (“Participant”) must be 14-20 years of age and attend school in the Berkshire Taconic Community Foundation region (see map at
• Submissions must be original works. Participants agree not to use, reproduce, incorporate into their submission or otherwise display without permission any material or work created by or belonging to a third party, or to otherwise violate any third-party intellectual property rights, including but not limited to copyright or trademark rights, or otherwise violate any applicable U.S. law or the law of the individual participant’s country of residence. Please note participant films cannot feature people or music without gaining approval through a signed release, with the exception of music obtained for free or licensed from the internet. The organizers will provide model (i.e., people) and property release forms for use by participants.
Employees of the Organizers, BTCF and their immediate family members and/or those living in the same household of each are not eligible to participate in the Youth Film Lab. The Youth Film Lab is subject to all applicable federal, state and local laws and regulations.
2. Agreement to Rules: By participating, every participant agrees to be bound by these Rules, and represents and warrants that they meet the eligibility requirements of paragraph 1 above. In addition, each participant agrees to accept the decisions of the Organizers concerning their submissions as final and binding.
The Organizers reserve the right to add, delete, amend or modify the above-cited criteria at any time.
The Youth Film Lab welcomes all submissions regardless of race, color, religion, sexual orientation or gender identify, national origin or disability.
3. Technical Specifications: Submissions shall be 6 minutes or less in length. Films should be submitted via the FilmFreeway link provided.
4. Copyright and Permissions:
• By entering, all Participants represent and warrant that their submissions are entirely their own original creations, and that they have written releases from any person, or from the owner of any property, that appears in the film, which releases they shall make available to the Organizers upon request.
• All model/property releases shall be on a form supplied by the Organizers. Such model/property releases shall include irrevocable permission for use of the image of likeness of such person or property appearing within the submission for all uses, including without limitation for advertising, publicity and promotion purposes without additional compensation.
• Participants retain all rights, title interest and claims in and to submissions entered into the Youth Film Lab. Participants, through their submission, grant permissions to the Organizers to judge the film and for the Organizers and BTCF to share the film along with Participant names and biographical information without incurring any fees or abiding by any requirements of the Participant.
5. Indemnification: By participating in the Youth Film Lab, Participants agree to indemnify and hold harmless the Organizers and BTCF and employees, officers and directors, from any and all liability, loss, harm, damage, injury, cost or expense arising out of such Participants submission, or participation in the Youth Film Lab, including, without limitation, any third-party claims of copyright or trademark infringement or violation of privacy or publicity rights. All Participants must confirm this obligation of indemnification when completing the Youth Film Lab entry form.
6. Governing Law: All issues and questions concerning the construction, validity, interpretation and enforceability of these official rules or the rights and obligations of Participants in connection with the Youth Film Lab shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the internal laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts without giving effect to any choice of law or conflict of law rules or provisions that would cause the application of any other state's laws.