Cabane à Sang is a Montreal based Non-profit organization who's mission is to showcase the best and the worst of genre cinema. CàS aka the Blood Shed is behind Cabane à Sang Festival, Keep It Weird! Festival and CaSTV free streaming service.
The Blood Shed Gala is your chance to send in your film for consideration for a spot on CaSTV, the free streaming platform. Selection also means you will be entered in the running for our biannual Gala where we showcase the best and worst films selected from this semester's submissions.
The free to attend Gala is an opportunity for us to showcase the films that have stood out during the submission semester and bring media attention to all the upcoming projects that will be released on the platform.
The Gala is free to attend, as a means for our non-profit to give back to the community.
Have your film on and participation in the Live event.