The "Beyond the Blue Sky" LGBTQI+ film festival initiative was launched in 2013 and has now reached its 12th year, being an integral part of the largest celebration of LGBTI+ human rights, known as the "Equality and Pride Days of Mongolia."
The main objectives of the film festival are to promote LGBTIQ+ human rights through art, provide inspiration and support to young queer artists and filmmakers, and establish a network of queer artists in the community.
Since 2019, the film festival's format has undergone changes, and for the recent years, it has been organized as a short film competition exclusively for Mongolian queer filmmakers. This year, our festival is going international, set to receive films from all over the world.
Prize Fund:
Mongolian competitive section
- First place - 6,000,000 MNT
- Second place - 3,000,000 MNT
Competitive section in foreign languages: - Best work in foreign language - 1000 USD