1. Better Coast Foundation Film Festival is not responsible for the streaming quality of online submissions uploaded through FilmFreeway. If your entry is unable to be watched by our programmers due to issues with your upload, your film will be disqualified and no refund will be made. You are always free to include an additional private link through Vimeo or YouTube where your film may be seen in HD on the 'cover letter' portion of your submission.
2. Better Coast Film Festival does not pay screening fees under any circumstance. By submitting your film, you are agreeing to screen your film online without a screening fee or any other compensation if selected.
3. By submitting to the Better Coast Foundation Film Festival you agree to the following rules.
I/We have read all of the Better Coast Foundation Film Festival rules. I/We understand and have complied with these rules. I/We warrant the submission of my/our original work and there are no disputes regarding the ownership of the submission. I/We also warrant the submitted material does not defame or invade the rights of any person living or dead and I/we fully indemnify the Festival against any claim made for such violations of law. To the best of my/our knowledge, all of the statements herein are true and correct. I/We understand that failure to adhere to the Festival rules will result in disqualification and forfeiture of the entry fees. I/We agree to hold Better Coast Foundation Film Festival harmless from and defend them against all claims, demands, losses, damages, judgments, liabilities, and expenses (including attorney’s fees) arising out of or in connection with any and all claims of third parties, whether or not groundless, based on any film submitted to the Festival.
4. All rights to the submitted material will remain with the entrant. The contest administrators and operators DO NOT claim any rights to the material submitted to the competition.