Cine Città Fiera
Theatre screenings ONLY.
BAHF Sixth edition will be held in Northern Italy in November, the first (and only) horror genre film festival in Friuli Venezia-Giulia.
All the screenings will be held in a theatre, absolutely NO STREAMING.
What are we looking for?
HORROR of course, any cross genre is allowed but it MUST BE HORROR related.
We are opened, to shorts, full lengths and screenplays.
Who's gonna win the awesome and grotesque trophy handcrafted by Grind Airbrush&SFX?
A selected jury will assign the prizes.
Be Afraid Horror Fest, home is where the horror is!
Trophy awards:
TWISTED CLAPPERBOARD (see pictures in our gallery)
- Best Horror Film, assigned by the jury
- Best Horror Short, assigned by the jury
TWISTED NOTEBOOK OF HORRORS (see pictures in our gallery)
- Best Horror Feature Screenplay
- Best Horror Short Screenplay
- No trophy, just nominal, they change from edition to edition (check our website to see previous assigned awards)