ASTERISK FILM KLUBB is a Queer Film night hosted by ASTERISK.
When ASTERISK is not dancing or partying, we are watching films, sometimes with people dancing or partying in them. Films that let us reclaim our own narratives, visions, desires. Poetics that are free to be vulgar.
Each edition of ASTERISK FILM KLUBB invites you to discover short underground and experimental films by artists and filmmakers from our local and our international queer communities.
Each edition invites a queer artist to help curate and host the filmklubb.
This edition, we warmly welcome back Derek Sargent! (AUS/NO)
This edition will be exploring the themes around QUEER JOY.
QUEER JOY can be interpreted as many things. This could be highlighting liveliness, elation, wonder, desire, and unattainability. This could be the pursuit of joy, the search for joy, or the discovery of joy. It might be relief, comfort and/or resistance.
We are looking for short experimental films that challenge the notion of what QUEER JOY can be and mean to us in our own filmic language, through narrative and non-narrative forms.
Our third edition: ASTERISK FILM KLUBB # 3: QUEER JOY will be held this January in Bergen Kjøtt, Bergen, Norway.
Please note that the filmklubb will take place in parallel online over Zoom as well as the live event. The films will be added to our ASTERISK FILM KLUBB password-protected Vimeo account to allow our digital audiences to watch with us and through our homepage. All films will be removed from our Vimeo platform after 72hours.
We look forward to your submissions!
Kaeto & Derek