Experiencing Interruptions?

We are Human

It can be uncomfortable seeing someone you don’t know who is clearly struggling. Most of us aren’t sure if we can help. It’s easier to look away; avoid eye contact.

“We are Human” is a film that challenges this behaviour, encouraging viewers to confront the uncomfortable truth and see that stranger as a human being.

Written and Directed by: Simon Waller
Narration: Humphrey Pitman
Script: Simon Waller, Edward Higgins, Jamie Collins-Adams, Humphrey Pitman
1AD: David Flindall
Actors: Jamie Collins-Adams, David Flindall
Cameras: Simon Waller, Mark Warmington
Logo animation: Perry Mason
Colourist: Thomas Urbye, The Look
Assistants: Jack Rogers, Jamie Collins-Adams
Music: The Game Day Massacre by Adam Bokesch
Editor: Simon Waller
Behind the scenes Photography: Jack Rogers

Thanks to: Pollitt & Partners and Visual Impact

  • Simon Waller
    The Bliss of Ignorance, Transforming Lives, Life on the Streets,
  • Simon Waller
    The Bliss of Ignorance, Transforming Lives, Life on the Streets,
  • Jamie Collins-Adams
    Key Cast
  • David Flindall
    Key Cast
    Transforming Lives
  • Perry Mason
    The Bliss of Ignorance
  • Simon Waller
    Camera operators
    The Bliss of Ignorance, Transforming Lives, Life on the Streets,
  • Mark Warmington
    Camera operators
    Top Gear.
  • Project Type:
  • Runtime:
    3 minutes 37 seconds
  • Completion Date:
    November 7, 2016
  • Production Budget:
    150 USD
  • Country of Origin:
    United Kingdom
  • Country of Filming:
    United Kingdom
  • Language:
  • Shooting Format:
  • Aspect Ratio:
  • Film Color:
  • First-time Filmmaker:
  • Student Project:
    United Kingdom
    November 8, 2016
    London Premiere
Director Biography - Simon Waller

Simon is an award winning director who has filmed and directed shoots in a number of international locations such as India, Malaysia, USA and across Europe. His work includes promos and music videos and a series of short films about Homelessness which have been screened at the Royal Festival Hall in London. Simon also directed award winning documentary The Bliss of Ignorance, which through first-hand testimony investigates South Africa's complex relationship with one of the country's most abundant resources: coal.


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Director Statement

This is a pro-bono film I made as a gift to The Passage, a London based charity that help homeless and vulnerable people, to help them raise money and awareness.

The Passage has experienced, trained professionals that proactively seek out homeless people and offer them help to get off the streets, back into good health, a job, society and giving them back their sense of self. The Passage sees the human in everyone.

Thanks to everyone who worked with me on this project!

Visit The Passage: http://passage.org.uk/