James Webb Space Telescope: The Story Unfolds
'James Webb Space Telescope: The Story Unfolds' is a live and interactive planetarium show developed by the INTUITIVE® Planetarium at the U.S. Space & Rocket Center. The show highlights the engineering and deployment of the space telescope and explores its four primary science mission objectives (Early Universe, Galaxies Over Time, Other Worlds, Stellar Life Cycles). The visualizations demonstrate concepts such as redshift, universe expansion, transit spectroscopy, and stellar birth. The show features the latest imagery from JWST and includes 3D visualizations of the Pillars of Creation.
Brittany KundertDirector
A. David WeigelProducer
Brittany KundertLead Writer
Emma ClevelandWriter
Paul FarinosiWriter
Erin NagelkirkWriter
Phil SchrimsherWriter
Samantha PinterWriter
Sophia VillamorWriter
Lee WhittenWriter
A. David WeigelWriter
Erin NagelkirkLead Visual Artist
A. David WeigelArtist
Emma ClevelandArtist
Erika SilvaArtist
Thefanis Matsopoulos/NASA/GSFC & AVL at NSCA, B. Robertson, L. Hernquist/ESOGalaxy Collision Simulation
Michael McConvilleM74 Composite Demo
Brittany KundertKey Cast"Presenter"
A. David WeigelScience Advisor
Erin NagelkirkScience Advisor
Christian SuttonFilming
Alabama Space Science Exhibit CommissionCopyright
Project Type:Other
Genres:Live, Fulldome, Planetarium, Education, Astronomy
Runtime:40 minutes
Completion Date:January 31, 2023
Country of Origin:United States
Film Color:Color
First-time Filmmaker:No
Student Project:No
Distribution Information
INTUITIVE PlanetariumDistributorCountry: United StatesRights: All Rights
Brittany Kundert is a Technical Developer for the INTUITIVE® Planetarium at the U.S. Space & Rocket Center, where she develops content for planetarium programming via show writing and production, processing imagery from the James Webb Space Telescope, and serving as an educator in the dome. Other works include the global planetarium domecast 'To Bennu and Back: OSIRIS-REx Asteroid Sample Return.'
'James Webb Space Telescope: The Story Unfolds' was something we knew we wanted to create even before the telescope itself was launched. As soon as we got our hands on those first Webb images, our team here at the INTUITIVE Planetarium was presenting them in the dome. We hosted four or five sold-out shows about Webb's first image release and realized there was a strong public interest for more in-depth programming about Webb. Funding from the Northrop Grumman Foundation allowed us to create a cohesive, well-rounded story about Webb’s journey to study the history of our universe. The show's live nature gives us flexibility to include new Webb images as soon as they are released, which is really powerful to our audiences.
We have been overwhelmed by the public response to the show as it has inspired literally thousands of people at the U.S. Space & Rocket Center and elsewhere to learn about the James Webb Space Telescope and this next chapter of space discovery. This project is something we are very proud of and excited to share with the world!