You can help minimize irrelevant entries by Category Qualifiers or a Custom Submission Form to your to listing.
Category Qualifiers allow you to restrict entries specifically by Project Type, Runtime, Page Count, Project Origin, and Student Projects.
You can even require that submitters input a special password to be eligible to submit to certain categories if you wish.
Category Qualifiers ensure that only relevant and appropriate projects are submitted to your respective categories.
To add Category Qualifiers go to 'My Festival' > 'Edit', then click 'Advanced Qualifiers' in the details section of any category in Section 4.
You can even fully customize your submission form. Go to 'My Festival' > 'Manage' > 'Custom Submission Form'. This option allows your festival to require additional, custom information from all submitters. Submitters will be required to confirm eligibility or answer any questions you add here. You can access this information under the 'Custom Form' tab on the Project Details page of any submission.
Custom Form Example: “Please confirm that you did not attend film school.”