...and Juliet
The film’s author runs audition for a film after Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet. Three female actors come to try for “Juliet”.
What if Romeo and Juliet luckily survived? Would they have been happy together? This question is answered by yet another audition.
The audition is over. A feature film “Romeo and Juliet” transforms into “...and Juliet” docufiction.
None of the actors knew the very audition was actually to become the film. They had been invited to try for a part in a film after “Romeo and Juliet” that was never going to happen.
It was vital to keep them unaware for audition spontaneity and genuineness. Of course, they were informed later and asked for permission to use their auditions in the film.
Anar AzimovDirector
Anar AzimovWriter
Vuano FilmsProducer
Kateryna MolchanovaKey CastMarianna, We Are Here We Are Close
Tata TaranyukKey Cast
Victoria LugovtsovaKey Cast
Sofia StelmakhKey Cast
Oleksandr NykonovychCinematographer
Anar AzimovCinematographer
Vlad DonchenkoSound
Anar AzimovEditor
Project Type:Documentary, Experimental, Feature
Runtime:1 hour 10 seconds
Completion Date:November 5, 2020
Production Budget:800 USD
Country of Origin:Ukraine
Country of Filming:Ukraine
Shooting Format:Digital
Aspect Ratio:2.39:1
Film Color:Color
First-time Filmmaker:No
Student Project:No
Blowup Chicago Arthouse Film FestivalChicago
United States
Dziga Vertov Best Documentary nomination (3d place)
Distribution Information
Philippe Louis GallianoSales Agent
Born in 1969. PhD in Philosophy (1995). British Council Playwright Course graduate (1999). Alexander Sokurov’s Film Directing online course graduate (2021).
I had been thinking to make a documentary about casting for a few years. The idea emerged as I watched dozens of audition videos and realised they were of unique artistic value. It’s very precious to see how an actor becomes a character before your very eyes.
From the very beginning, I knew it’d be based on Shakespeare. Only recently had i understood it must be “Romeo and Juliet”.
So, there’s some fiction added to this documentary: being one of the characters in the film, I “am planning” to make a film that is never going to happen.
Due to COVID-19 domestic lockdown, one of the actresses stayed in another city and couldn’t come; so, she sent me her audition video. Her role was “Juliet who survived”. I wrote that part to speculate what if Romeo and Juliet had managed to escape and live together. This unexpected situation with the video sent from another city actually fit the “what if” idea because Romeo and Juliet would certainly have been on exile then.