A forest by the sea. Three friends. A girl. Friendship, love. Can they overcome prejudices and go back to being friends again?
Lucas Santa AnaDirectorThe Keys
Lucas Santa AnaWriter
Diego MinaWriter
Alberto MasliahProducerCarmen's Karma, Schafhaus
Javier De PietroKey CastAbsent, Butterfly, Entre Rios
Agustin PardellaKey CastPinamar
Marcos RibasKey Cast
Luana PascualKey Cast
Project Title (Original Language):Como una novia sin sexo
Project Type:Feature
Genres:LGBT, Drama, comedy, romance
Runtime:1 hour 33 minutes
Completion Date:May 31, 2016
Country of Origin:Argentina
Country of Filming:Argentina
Shooting Format:RED
Aspect Ratio:2:35:1
Film Color:Color
First-time Filmmaker:Yes
Student Project:No
5th Latinamerican Independent Film Festival (FECILBBA)Bahia Blanca
September 10, 2016
Argentina Premiere -
October 13, 2016
Europa Premiere -
Serile Filmlui Gay Film FestivalCluj-Napoca
November 4, 2016 -
Festival Espacio QueerLa Plata
November 12, 2016 -
Asterisco. 3rd. LGBTIQ Film Festival.Buenos Aires
November 4, 2016 -
14th International LGBT Film Festival “El lugar sin límites”Quito
November 17, 2016 -
2a. Muestra de Cine Queer en ,Bucaramanga
June 4, 2017
Selección Oficial 2017 -
MIC GéneroCiudad de México
August 17, 2017
Distribution Information
SombracineCountry: WorldwideRights: All Rights
AurafilmsCountry: WorldwideRights: All Rights, Video on Demand, Pay Per View, Theatrical
Lucas Santa Ana graduated as Writer of the ENERC-INCAA (National School of Experimentation and Filmmaking from Argentina).
He participated in the Talent Campus Buenos Aires in 2005 with his screenplay "Como una novia sin sexo." (Bromance). The script was selected in 2006 to the script contest at La Habana International Film Festival.
He wrote and directed short films among which are: Vida Nueva (2013-direction), a familiar air (2013-script and direction), The Keys (2011-script and direction), The incredible story of Asterion and Clotilda (2002-script ).
"The Keys", won the Audience Award at the festival Libercine 2011 and participated in several festivals around the world.
He wrote the feature films "Schaffhaus" directed by Alberto Masliah and "Rouge Amargo" directed by Gustavo Cova both commercially premiered.
After "Bromance", his debut feature he is in the process of finishing "The Unforgettable homo. Carlos Jauregui’s life" a documentary about the renowned LGBT Argentinian activist.