A man averting the law after a self-defense crime ends up discovering himself through a much more sinister design.
Hector QuijanoDirectorBonanza (Short, TriMedia Festival)
Hector QuijanoWriterBonanza (Short, TriMedia Festival)
Hector QuijanoProducerBonanza (Short, TriMedia Festival)
Max ValdezProducer
Max ValdezKey Cast
Project Type:Short
Genres:Sci-Fi, Crime
Runtime:9 minutes 1 second
Completion Date:July 16, 2016
Production Budget:500 USD
Country of Origin:United States
Country of Filming:United States
Shooting Format:DSLR
Film Color:Color
First-time Filmmaker:No
Student Project:No
Distribution Information
HQ CinematicsCountry: United StatesRights: All Rights
Raised in Denver, Colorado, USA.
Filmmaker since 2011.
Inspiring Director: Stanley Kubrick
Favorite Movie: Fight Club (D.Fincher, 1999) and 2001 A Space Odyssey (S.Kubrick, 1968)
I became a filmmaker to create and explore worlds and characters which are virtually confined within our imagination, until we give them life. Whether we are spectators or illusionists, we have the imagination to believe in something more allegorical than our own reality.