Ben Waloszek is the founder of Bxposed films. A film production company that helps to create and envision people and companies passions by inspiring, educating and awaking emotions trough film.
Ben Waloszek, age 42 was born in Belgium but lived until his 12 in Germany and has Polish roots. After he returned to Belgium he got a Master degree in Antwerpen University and now lives in Herentals Belgium.
Ben Waloszek started filmmaking in his early 20's when he was fully involved in serious alpine rock climbing where he was responsible for capturing and documenting these climbs. Years later he started doing run and gun film assignments for pro athletes like red bull bodyboarders, fmx bikers etc.
These days Bxposed film also produces branding film for companies like Jack and Jones, Brax Fashion and Ethiopian Airlines but we also produce documentaries and other passion projects where we always try to inspire with storytelling, beautiful imagery and fluid editing pacing.