How far a family movie can get
“Reminscence” (1909-26) is a Family movie of own Aristides Junqueira´s family, archive from Brazilian film libraries. This movie shows unknown histories and points of view about, like a film essay with archives, family scenes, film footage, enterviews and voice over to show a biography of a pioneer of Brazilian Cinema
A documentary film about Research and looking for families meanings, biographies, historic and actuals interpretations for the images of the Aristides Junqueira´s first movies (1879-1952). He was one of pioneers of brazilian cinema, author of dozens silence and sound movies made in almost regions of Brazil since 1907 until 1946. However, most of his archive is lost.
"Reminscence” is a Family movie of own Aristides Junqueira´s family made since 1909 until 1926 in the city of Belo Horizonte, capital of the state of Minas Gerais, located in the center of Brazil. It is the only of survivor movie, recognized for researchers, and film archives the older preserved Brazilian movie. This movie became known only 1970, and nowadays, most of stories and point of view about it is unknown. This documentary film discovered news histories through a big process of research with his relatives, family archives, and public film archives.
As a film essay, this documentary film blend different languages and resources from classical and modern documentary film, like interviews, voice-over, archive´s documents, family scenes, film footage, movie projections on the city and resources of editing.
Sponsorship: Belo Horizonte Municipal Culture Fund – Belo Horizonte City Hall - State of Minas Gerais - Brazil.
Support: Cinematheque of the Museum of Modern Art of Rio de Janeiro – MAM – Rio
Support: Casa Cabana
Subtitles in English and Spanish (choose in youtube privacy link) / @umfilmedefamilia
Rodolfo Junqueira FonsecaDirectorRodolfo Junqueira Fonseca
Rodolfo Junqueira FonsecaWriterRodolfo Junqueira Fonseca
Daniel CarneiroWriter
Rodolfo Junqueira FonsecaProducerRodolfo Junqueira Fonseca
Jalver BethônicoSound Director
Raquel UtschProduction
Daniel CarneiroEditor
Daniel CarneiroPhotographer
Jalver BethônicoSoundtrack
Aristides JunqueiraKey Cast"Aristides Junqueira"
Project Title (Original Language):Até onde pode chegar um filme de família
Project Type:Documentary, Experimental, Feature, Other
Genres:Archives, Pioneer of Brazilian Cinema, Old movies, Brazil, Cinemateque, History, Filme Footage, Film essay, Family Movie
Runtime:1 hour 15 minutes 15 seconds
Completion Date:May 30, 2019
Country of Origin:Brazil
Country of Filming:Brazil
Shooting Format:FULL HD
Aspect Ratio:16:9
Film Color:Black & White and Color
First-time Filmmaker:Yes
Student Project:No
Premiere - Modern Art Musem of Rio de JaneiroRio de Janeiro
October 24, 2018
Art Modern Musem of Rio de Janeiro
Premiere -
Debut - CINEOP 2019 - Ouro Preto Film FestivalOuro Preto
June 8, 2019
Brazil / Debut
Official Selection - Mostra Contemporânea -
Cinema Urbana - Brasília Architecture Film Festival 2019Brasília
Official Selection -
Alter do Chão Film FestivalAlter do Chão - Pará
Official Selection -
Lift Off Film FestivalsLondres
United Kingdom -
Ethnographic Film Festival – Intimalente 2019
Sellection -
Echo BRICS Film Festival 2020Moscow
Russian Federation
Official Selection -
Commemorative exhibitions 65 years - Cinematheque of the Museum of Modern Art in Rio de Janeiro - MAM-RioRio de Janeiro
Official Sellection -
SIMFEST 2020 - International Television Festival and Independent Producers
Official Selection -
Cineblube Fundation Getúlio Vargas - FGV / CPDOC 2021Rio de Janeiro - RJ
January 30, 2021
Distribution Information
Rodolfo Junqueira FonsecaCountry: BrazilRights: All Rights
Brazilian Sociologist, Reseacher and Professor, Filmmaker e Producer graduated by Escola de Cinema Darcy Ribeiro (Rio de Janeiro). Phd in Sociology from Federal University of Brasília (Brazil), Master in Urban Planning (IPPUR - UFRJ) - More Informations (Portuguese):
"This movie fills a gap or open a locked door in the Brazilian and Latin America history of cinema. This movie is about a pioneer of Brazilian cinema working with movies ten years after the cinema´s invention. This film is about his family movie that is one of movies remaining of a cinematography of dozens of movies."