Experiencing Interruptions?

Action to Attraction

What's THE pick up line? Action to Attraction is a film that's designed to explore and show the truth of the pick up artist industry through an experimental format involving two subjects, one introvert who's never had any love encounters, and one extrovert who's in the search for multiple girlfriends. They go through their journeys with knowledge provided to them by top experts in this 30 year old industry.

  • Joseph Liu
  • Joseph Liu
  • Joseph Liu
  • Steve Kim
  • Paolo Kalalo
  • Rodolfo Piedras
  • Hugh Wielenga
  • Gregorio Gomez
  • Tammy Wong
  • Steven Schwartz
  • Joe Docherty
  • Steven Schwartz
  • Julian Dewies
  • Aviva Chen
    Hair and Make Up
  • Laurel K. Brown
    2nd Unit Production Department
  • Sarah Thomas Moffat
    2nd Unit Production Department
  • Fang Zhou Liu
    Key Cast
  • Project Type:
    Documentary, Feature
  • Genres:
  • Runtime:
    1 hour 12 minutes 6 seconds
  • Completion Date:
    November 14, 2016
  • Production Budget:
    100,000 USD
  • Country of Origin:
  • Country of Filming:
  • Language:
  • Shooting Format:
  • Aspect Ratio:
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  • First-time Filmmaker:
  • Student Project:
  • Hollywood International Independent Documentary Awards
    Los Angeles
    United States
    No Screening
    Winner of November 2016 Feature Documentary, Writing, and 1st Time Filmmaker
  • Canadian Diversity Film Festival

    No Screening
    Best Cinematography for November 2016
Director Biography - Joseph Liu

Joseph Liu is a Chinese Canadian film producer, director, and writer based in Vancouver, Canada. Though part time chef, he writes everyday.

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Director Statement

Nowadays, many single guys struggle with dating. They resort to books, online articles, and videos on how to pick up women. And the number one concern is what exactly is this so called pick up? As a filmmaker, I feel it's my job to create something that is not biased and show both the pros and cons of the so called pick up/seduction industry. This film is designed to explore and show the truth of the pick up artist industry through an experimental format involving two subjects, one introvert named Tommy who's never had any love encounters, and one extrovert named Shine who's in the search for multiple girlfriends. This way, the film creates a contrast between the two personalities, showing the audience that there's both pros and cons to every skill, how one chooses to use the skill depends on who he is deep down. Unlike other movies such as Swingers, and Hitch, they're all fictional. I chose to make a documentary because I wanted to capture the rawness and the authenticity of this skill. There were three forces that were pushing me to make this film. First of all, the amount of singles around the world is increasing, for example in USA alone, the number is 125 million, I wanted to help lowering the number of 40 year old virgins around the world. Secondly, there's the social force. Besides the singles that might potentially watch the film, this film can also attract men and women in general because love is one of the most popular topics in the world. Furthermore, in order to create rapport with their clients/audience, successful salesmen, presenters, therapists, doctors, and comedians all use the same talking tactics and techniques as the pick up artists. This could benefit many shy guys who have no social skills. Lastly, we have technology on our side. The film contains basic principles of human interaction, through the scenes, people who think vividly and learn better from watching can refer to them as a guide. Hopefully, the movie will inspire the ones in need of education such as this, and that, they can realize talking with a woman is a normal and non-scary thing.