A small fish dreams of the beautiful world outside the fish tank. When she finally gets bigger and leaps out of the fish tank, the once beautiful world isn't what she expected.
굶주린 작은 물고기가 유리벽 너머로 뛰어오른다.
Boyoung KimDirectorImpersonation, Replacement, Prey, The Levers
Boyoung KimWriterImpersonation, Replacement, Prey, The Levers
Nayoung KimWriterImpersonation, Replacement, Prey, The Levers
David OhProducerRecollections
David OhEditorRecollections, Daniel Tosh: Happy Thoughts, Celebrity Rehab with Dr. Drew
Project Title (Original Language):먹이
Project Type:Animation, Short
Runtime:4 minutes 20 seconds
Completion Date:January 1, 2015
Country of Origin:Korea, Republic of
Country of Filming:Korea, Republic of
Shooting Format:Digital
Aspect Ratio:16:9
Film Color:Color
First-time Filmmaker:No
Student Project:No
Hiroshima International Animation FestivalHIroshima
August 18, 2016
Japan Premiere
Best of the world section -
Sapporo Int'l Short Film FestivalSapporo, Japan
October 7, 2015
Japan premiere
Best Mini Short Award -
Krok Int'l Animated Film FestivalSt. Petersburg, Ukraine & Russia
September 20, 2015
Russian Premiere
Jury Diploma for design, intrigue and surprising climax -
Hong Kong Int'l Mobile Film FestivalHong Kong, China
March 25, 2015
Hong Kong premiere
Best Animation - Bronze Award -
Black movie festivalGeneva, Switzland
January 22, 2016
Official Selection -
Animatou Int'l Animation FestivalGeneva, Switzerland
October 1, 2015
Swiss Premiere
International Competition -
Asiana International Short Film FestivalSeoul, Korea
November 5, 2015
Korean Competition -
Cartoons on the bayVenice, Italy
April 7, 2016
Venice Premiere
Panorama -
Landshut Kurzfilm FestivalMunich
March 9, 2016
International Competition -
Phoenix Comicon Film FestivalPhoenix, Arizona
May 28, 2015
North American Premiere
Official Selection -
Future Film FestivalBologna, Italy
May 5, 2015
Italian Premiere
Official Selection -
Cinema Jove Valencia International Film FestivalValencia
June 17, 2016
Spain Premiere
International Competition -
FILMETS Badalona Film FestivalBadalona
October 21, 2016
Badalona Premiere
International Competition -
ANIMA, Córdoba International Animation FestivalCórdoba, Argentina
September 10, 2015
South American Premiere
International Competition -
ShortShorts Film Festival &AsiaTokyo, Japan
June 15, 2016
Tokyo Premiere
International Competition -
October 27, 2015
Official Selection : Shortcut -
Ciné court animéRoanne
March 14, 2016
International Competition -
Be there! Corfu Animation FestivalGreece
October 15, 2015
International Competition -
Croq'Anime - Le Festival du Film d'Animation de ParisParis, France
September 9, 2015
French Premiere
Official Selection -
Kino FestRomania
September 25, 2015
Romanian Premiere
International Competition -
Imagine Science FIlmsNew York, USA
November 5, 2015
New York Premiere
International Competition -
Florence Korean Film FestivalFlorence, Italy
March 11, 2016
Florence Premiere
Official Selection -
Best of International Short Films festivalLa Ciotat
July 6, 2016
Official Selection -
Equinox Women’s Film FestivalPalmer
United States
March 21, 2015
Official Selection -
Delhi Int'l Film FestivalDelhi
December 4, 2015
Indian Premiere -
Toronto Korean Film FestivalToronto
June 17, 2016
Toronto Premiere
Official Selection -
Durban International Film FestivalDurban
South Africa
June 16, 2016
South Africa Premiere
International Competition
Distribution Information
David OhCountry: United StatesRights: All Rights
Boyoung Kim is a Korean animator and independent filmmaker. She is the creator of animated short films, including Replacement, Impersonation, Prey and The Levers.
Currently working on a new animation "A guitar in the bucket".
While we relentlessly strive to be a part of the fantastical world portrayed on mass media, we instead become prey to the predators behind the fantasy.
각종 미디어의 사각창에서 묘사되는 환상적인 세상의 일원이 되고자
주입된 듯 똑같은 꿈을 꾸며 서로 경쟁하는 동안, 환상 뒤에 숨어있는 포식자의 먹이는 늘어간다.