White Hands
In a small town in the interior of the country, the murder of a prostitute touches Hanna, a simple woman who divides her time between the tissue factory that works, the church, and her 8-year-old son.
Hanna does not understand why nobody cares about crime, and the issues move her to further the investigation. But what Hanna still does not understand is that she is in the middle of a power play, a Leviathan (as described by Thomas Hobbes) that controls and manipulates people with the pretense of promoting their own subsistence.
In investigating the murder case, Hanna realizes that it is not just the life of a transgendered woman that does not matter, her own life means nothing.
The film project is born of a text by anthropologist and historian Beatriz Nascimento, who says that "The history of Brazil was written by white hands." Revealing analytically that the voice of thousands of people in the country is muted by questions of class, race, creed and gender.
This project participated in the 2nd Black Narratives Laboratory of the Association of Black Audiovisual Professionals - APAN
Beto OliveiraWriterHunger Dogs, Odd Stranger
Project Title (Original Language):Mãos Brancas
Project Type:Screenplay
Number of Pages:57
Country of Origin:Brazil
First-time Screenwriter:No
Student Project:No
Hunger Dogs (BRA, Fic.,110min.,2017)
Odd Strange (BRA,Fic., 15 min. 2016)
PLACE (BRA, Doc.,17min., 2016)
Subversive ( BRA, Fic., 20min.,2012)
Good Movies are about Love (BRA, Fic., 20min., 2011)
Like the brazilian philosopher Beatriz Nascimento, or the sociologist Marielle Franco, the struggle of the black voice seeking representativeness is muted every day by a social oppression that camouflages in the discriminatory and marginalized speeches of a country full of wonders of the export type.
The black woman conditioned on the legacy of a "Venus Noire", used and appropriated for aesthetic, sexual or social consumption, cheap labor muted by the force of any argument that positions her as "unqualified" to exercise social position.
This is the representation of black women in Brazil.
Like the sociologist Marielle Franco, recently murdered in Rio de Janeiro, the historian Beatriz Nascimento was also murdered, both for reasons that differ, but the cases are very much like the more than 1.5 million black women who have been violently murdered in recent years.
"According to information from the Map of Violence 2015, in the period between 2003 and 2013, the number of homicides of black women jumped from 1,864 in 2003 to 2,875 in 2013. In contrast, there was a 9.8% fall in crimes involving women whites, which fell from 1,747 to 1,576 between the years.
Victims of violent crime are young women, most between the ages of 18 and 30, black and poor. The study also shows that 50.3% of victims are murdered by relatives and 33.2% of crimes are committed by partners or former partners.
From these data we can induce that black women are the main victims of domestic violence in Brazil, "says Suelaine Carneiro, from Geledés - Instituto de Mulher Negra.
"We would not survive if we were lazy!" said Dona Diva Guimarães in one of the most memorable episodes of "Espelho" TV show presented by Lazaro Ramos and directed by Juliana Vicente. In the episode the teacher Diva Guimarães discourses on the difficulties that she had throughout her life to be heard.
"When a nigger gets a chance to talk ... they say it's because he wants to be a victim! What we have to show, and this bothers us, is that we 'can' talk! "Said Dona Diva Guimarães when referring to how society views the representation of the black people in Brazil.
To the extermination of the black woman are added many other voices excluded by society, such as gays, transgenders and marginalized immigrants.
Brazil leads the world ranking of murders of transsexuals according to research by the NGO "Transgender Europe (TGEu)", according to an NGO report, Brazil registers in absolute numbers more than triple the murders of the second place, Mexico.
The situation of immigrants in Brazil is also a point of reference for important discussion of the project. Brazil currently has about 5.2 thousand refugees from 79 nationalities, many of them living under underemployment in marginal situations.
With this, Brazil as a bucolic corner of beauties and charms continues to hide its most cruel face. The same has been hidden in the last 518 years of recent history. The extermination of the indigenous people, the slavery of the black people and the marginalization of historical symbols and characters.
As well as described in the film "O Fio da Memória" by Eduardo Coutinho, and several other projects that reflect on the history of Brazil.
It is precisely at this point that I position myself as producer and artistic director, because that is what the project is talking about, and this is what I am interested in talking about at the moment.
Not only because the discussion about the theme is relevant at the moment, not only because I am black, but because the project aims to tell the story of a black woman who is killed trying to know the 'why' another black woman was brutally murdered.
Points that strengthen the dialogue proposed and explained by the philosophical thoughts of Beatriz Nascimento. The fact that the history of Brazil is viewed and oriented only by interlocutors of white skin color.
In her famous interview for the documentary "O Negro da Senzala ao Soul", Beatriz Nascimento speaks not only about the oppression of quilombos and senzalas, but reaffirms the legacy and legacy left by a history of historical exclusion. Where the interlocutors not only excluded the reports about the black in Brazil, but affirmed in a punctual way the marginalization of the black memory.
The project "White Hands" intends to position itself as a manifest that reaffirms the thinking of Beatriz Nascimento, expanding the dialogue to other fields. Exposing the situation of marginalized people simply by not having historical representation.
Yes, it is guided by a change that is reflected in history. By seeing yes, being a voice that echoes and nuisance.