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Trittico Indie

" Indie " significa uno stile indipendente. Non stai copiando uno stile popolare o tentando di conformarti a nessuna tendenza.
Trittico Indie è una sintesi di tre diverse improvvisazioni di danza realizzate in diverse ore della giornata.
Durante la sera il movimento inizia lentamente un'interazione con il sole, un dialogo interiore. Il sole è ancora alto nel cielo e solleva un approccio esoterico, una sensazione quasi sacra attraverso il movimento. Nelle ore del tramonto i colori dell'orizzonte creano un'atmosfera mistica e la danza diventa un'offerta a questa bellezza. Quando arriva il crepuscolo, il ballerino è libero di rilasciare il ritmo, essendo coperto dalla notte e da sensazioni di estasi.
Il film è stato creato durante il blocco, quando il mondo era silenzioso e la "danza è diventata lenta" ... Ho iniziato a ballare improvvisazioni sulla mia terrazza senza musica o attrezzature e ho capito che la danza era lì - non era mai andata via. Se ci fidiamo della nostra "rete interiore" scopriremo una musica ancora inascoltata. Il nostro.

  • Alkistis Voulgari
  • Room 37 Artworks
  • " India " , Bensound.com
  • Project Type:
    Experimental, Music Video, Short
  • Runtime:
    4 minutes 39 seconds
  • Completion Date:
    April 22, 2021
  • Country of Origin:
  • Country of Filming:
  • Language:
  • Shooting Format:
  • Aspect Ratio:
  • Film Color:
    Black & White
  • First-time Filmmaker:
  • Student Project:
Director Biography - Alkistis Voulgari

Alkistis Voulgari was born in Athens. She is an actress and dancer specialized on Isadora Duncan's Dance Technique.

The last two years she started her own filming experimentations and performance creations which contain Theatre, Poetry, Literature, Dance, Isadora's choreographies as well as personal choreographies. Her latest live performance, "Travel through Time" , was presented at Compartments Dance Festival on September of 2019.

The experimental short film " Dancing in the Silence ” from the " TERRACE PROJECT " - 2020 was hosted at Bibart’s Biennale Internazionale D’ Arte di Bari and since then the films of the project are travelling in several international film festivals. During 2020 she was collaborating with The Museum of Dead Words in Brooklyn / NY - the Online Series, interpreting the word EVIL through the performance " The Fight Within " .

Her first presence in the film industry was at BBC History Channel, playing Manto Mavrogenous (a great heroine from Mykonos) and Venus of Urbino in "El Greco" film directed by Giannis Smaragdis. She was also the leading character of the first greek webseries called "Dikiasou.com" and then became a member of "Cultoura", a group of new cinematographers who were experimenting on short films. She played in TV series as well leading and supporting roles.

Τheatre holds a significant part in her life, starting playing on stage since 14 years old. She met many exceptional teachers and co - artists who helped her to deepen her way of expression and experiment on different schools of Art, theatrical genres and dramaturgy.

She is an official member of CID (International Council of Dance - Unesco) since 2018 and also a writer having published her own e – books on the web.

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Director Statement

After a long time of personal and artistic research in many forms of Art as Theatre, Dance, Poetry as well as many different artistic ways I embraced strongly the idea that the most important Art is Life herself. Being an artist, for me, means to live sincerely and deeply the experiences that come along and then transform them into art.

That makes your unique way of expression and you find your “inner stand”. From this point everything becomes easier and the feeling is like you ride on a smooth river flow. Under this manner I create the last years performances that contain substances from Theatre, Music, Literature and Dance.

My base is the Art of Isadora Duncan and the Plastiques of Jerzy Grotowski in order to explore body movements, all the principles of Actor’s Studio as a guide in theatrical expression and Improv creative writing that helped me since the age of 9 to explore myself.

I never stop to learn, discover and interact with new artistic expressions and embrace collaborative work in all forms. It is always a pleasure to share and exchange new ideas and improvise on and about life’s special circumstances. I believe that we, artists, have a very important role to play in the coming years because this world needs for sure creative solutions in order to continue to exist. We must never give up but be flexible and playful in every situation that emerges.