The Same Snowy Ground
A journey through a place of an eternal past; where the grandson of a Jewish partisan sets out to experience the dramatic events and places that shaped his grandfather's war years.
Matan TalDirectorMedea, The Limbo
Project Type:Documentary
Runtime:42 minutes 20 seconds
Completion Date:March 21, 2020
Country of Origin:Germany
Country of Filming:Belarus, Germany, Poland, Ukraine
Shooting Format:Digital
Aspect Ratio:1:2:35
Film Color:Color
First-time Filmmaker:No
Student Project:No
Matan Tal is a Israel-born filmmaker and screenwriter. He started his way as a writer, when he published his first book at age 11 (in Be'er Publishing House). In his past, Marcus was an infantry sniper and an amateur mountaineer. In 2018, He led a mutiny in Tel Aviv University’s film department - a mutiny that managed to changed the structure of the film department. While in film school, he directed his first fiction short film: “Medea”. Currently, He’s living in Berlin, Germany.
We tend to notice something, only once it’s gone or broken. Only at it’s absence, we realise it was there in the first place. We realise we had a quiet moment, once we hear the noise. Only when we see a ghost town, we realise that somebody must've lived there.
I went on a journey to a place with little to no present or future. A place of nothingness.
A moment in history, killed that place’s future and made it into a place of an eternal absence. There, a camera can capture the closest thing to a past - or - to a sensation of the past.
I went there, hoping to film and give an audience that sensation.