The Brochure
El Folleto:
Diana, una niña llena de fe y esperanza, pasa sus días repartiendo folletos con mensajes bíblicos a las personas de su comunidad. Su padre, un hombre creyente pero cansado de la rutina de la vida, se niega a acompañarla un día, dejándola continuar sola con su misión.
En su camino, Diana ofrece un folleto a Mariana, una mujer mayor y viuda, abrumada por el dolor de la pérdida de su esposo y la soledad que le provoca la distancia con su hija. Mariana, a punto de poner fin a su vida, abre el folleto y encuentra un versículo que cambia por completo su perspectiva. El mensaje parece estar escrito especialmente para ella, y su corazón es tocado por una esperanza divina inesperada.
Christian movie
- This film has nothing to do with any religious denomination.
-Independent film
- In the main role God
BROCHURE- Diana, a little girl full of faith and hope, spends her days handing out brochures with Bible messages to people in her community. Her father, a faithful man but tired of the routine of life, refuses to accompany her one day, leaving her to continue her mission alone.
On her way, Diana gives a pamphlet to Mariana, an elderly and widowed woman, overwhelmed by the pain of losing her husband and the loneliness caused by the distance from her daughter. Mariana, on the verge of ending her days, opens the booklet and finds a verse that completely changes her perspective. The message seems to be written especially for her, and her heart is touched by an unexpected divine hope.
Matei DanielDirector
Runtime:35 minutes 20 seconds
Production Budget:3,000 USD
Country of Origin:Romania
Country of Filming:Romania
Film Color:Color
First-time Filmmaker:No
Student Project:No