The Blizzard
"The Blizzard" (2023), is a short black and white documentary filmed during a major snowstorm in Toronto, January 2022. Inspired by Leslie McFarlane’s "Snow Fighters" (1957), for the National Film Board, which depicts the clean-up of snow-entrenched Montréal and the joys and frustrations of extreme weather. The Blizzard, shot on high-contrast 16mm film, mirrors the naive newsreels of the past with the sound creating an ominous narrative. The original soundtrack is the second collaboration with Daniel Brlas. "The Blizzard" is a document of time and a playful comment on the documentary format.
Rennie TaylorDirectorDissolution
Daniel BrlasSoundGrapheme
Project Type:Documentary, Short
Runtime:2 minutes 30 seconds
Completion Date:March 15, 2023
Country of Origin:Canada
Country of Filming:Canada
Shooting Format:16mm
Aspect Ratio:4:3
Film Color:Black & White
First-time Filmmaker:No
Student Project:No
Rennie Taylor is a multidisciplinary artist based in Toronto. His practice focuses on the everyday with an emphasis on nostalgic signs and symbols found in popular culture. Engaging in the practices of photography, filmmaking, animation, collage and illustration he explores themes of consumerism, the handmade and obsolescence. He investigates decay within technology which corresponds to his material manipulation of celluloid, ephemera and found objects. His short experimental Super 8 films and videos have been screened across Canada and Internationally in Argentina, Brazil, France, Germany, Japan, Mexico, Serbia, and the United States. These films have appeared at festivals such as Antimatter Media Art, Dresdner Schmalfilmtage and the Engauge Experimental Film Festival. He received his BFA with Distinction in Photography at Toronto Metropolitan University and a Ontario College Diploma in Fine Arts at Centennial College. Rennie previously served as a board member at the8fest Small Gauge Film Festival and a founder of the artist collective [UN]PROMPTU.