Tales of Palavesuvio

A sports centre abandoned for several years, the “Palavesuvio” in Ponticelli, is central to the tales of the people in the neighbourhood. Recollections of daily life and old memories get mixed with current events. The contradictions between the historical building and the ones who hope the “Palavesuvio” can revive, despite the difficulties.
In the Five Towers (“Cinque Torri”) Housing Estate, a huge development home to one thousand people, we find an always lively and manifold universe, mindful of the past and full of doubts and concerns, a humanity that tells us what the “Palavesuvio” used to be. In the film the audience encounters the lady recollecting the soothsayer of Međugorje who saw the Virgin Mary, the boy talking about the film “Hannibal” which he watched in the ex-amphitheatre, the Five Towers committee members who make the effort to defend the place from degradation, the lady who sings the songs from the TV program “Furore” which was itself filmed in that same sport centre and then finally the daughter of the “Palavesuvio” janitor who is the last custodian of the sport centre and whose death seems to have signed the death of the building itself.

  • Luca Ciriello
  • Luca Ciriello
  • Luca Ciriello
    Director of Photography
  • Marie Audiffren, Gabriella Denisi
  • Antonella Di Nocera
  • Project Title (Original Language):
    Racconti dal Palavesuvio
  • Project Type:
    Documentary, Short
  • Runtime:
    14 minutes 16 seconds
  • Country of Origin:
  • Country of Filming:
  • Language:
  • Shooting Format:
    Digital, Full HD 1920x1080
  • Film Color:
  • First-time Filmmaker:
  • Student Project:
Director Biography - Luca Ciriello

Luca Ciriello (1988). Ha terminato i suoi studi in Lettere Moderne (Specialistica in Filologia Moderna e Ditals II in didattica della lingua italiana agli stranieri). Ha studiato teatro, cinema, fotografia in diverse scuole (in Italia, Francia, Spagna). Nel 2016 ha completato il Master in Cinema presso la Scuola di Cinema di Napoli “Pigrecoemme”. Da Giugno 2015 a Giugno 2016 ha lavorato come educatore e reporter presso un villaggio orfani della Tanzania. Dal 2015 lavora come video-maker freelance in collaborazione con varie associazioni e onlus e nell’ottobre del 2017 ha fondato la società di video-produzione "Lunia Film Srls", di cui è amministratore unico, che ha già prodotto alcuni cortometraggi, spot e trailers. È allievo dell’Atelier di cinema del reale “FilmAp” di Ponticelli e del corso “Sviluppo progetti” organizzato dalla Film Commission Regione Campania. Parla italiano, spagnolo, inglese, francese, portoghese e swahili.

Luca Ciriello (1988) completed his studies in modern literature (specialized in modern philology and in Italian teaching for foreigners). He studied theatre, cinema,  photography in different schools (Italy, France, Spain). In 2016 he completed a masters in cinema at the Naples school of cinema “Pigrecoemme”. From June 2015 to June 2016, he worked as a teacher and video-reporter at an orphan village in Tanzania. Since 2015 he has worked as a freelance video-maker in collaboration with various associations and non-profit organizations and in October 2017 he founded the video-production company "Lunia Film Srls", of which he is director, which has already produced some short films, commercials and trailers. He is a student of the Atelier di Cinema del Reale "FilmAp" of Ponticelli and of the course "Project Development" organized by the Film Commission of the Campania Region. He speaks Italian, Spanish, English, French, Portuguese and Swahili.

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