The Memoirs of Summer Ray, is a fascinating series that follows Summer Ray and Col. McDaniels in their individual struggles to find peace and healing from the past. The author skillfully intertwines the two stories as she blends the present with the past, the physical with the spiritual. In a culture where ghost stories are multiplying exponentially, this series stands alone, bringing together angels, demons, and ghostly Unknown soldiers in a story of evil and good, unbearable pain, timeless bitterness, and ultimate redemption. Through it all, Summer Ray clings to her faith in her ever-loving God, but she can never imagine how the twists and turns of her future will shape her and the future of Gettysburg.
Juliana LoveWriter
Jason Normal ShindledeckerScript Edits/Revisions
Project Type:Screenplay
Number of Pages:114
Country of Origin:United States
First-time Screenwriter:Yes
Student Project:No
Juliana Love became critically injured when a steel door slammed across her face, resulting in Traumatic Brain Injury. Miraculously, years later, she became an international author and screenplay writer, as well as a producer and figure skating coach. Juliana attributes her remarkable recovery to God and to her amazing family.