Private Project

Splish Splash

Two bickering siblings unite to fight pirates who want to steal their precious Sun Pearl necklace that’s needed for their family ritual.

  • Andra Fembriarto
    Utan the Rambutan, The Lightdancer, The Raining Tree, Ways to Monas
  • Andra Fembriarto
    Utan the Rambutan, The Lightdancer, The Raining Tree, Ways to Monas
  • Andra Fembriarto
    Utan The Rambutan, The Raining Tree, Life After 90,
  • Radit Ho’an
    Key Cast
  • Talita M. Detakiuk
    Key Cast
  • Project Title (Original Language):
    Cipak Cipuk
  • Project Type:
  • Runtime:
    9 minutes 12 seconds
  • Completion Date:
    April 30, 2021
  • Production Budget:
    11,000 USD
  • Country of Origin:
  • Country of Filming:
  • Language:
  • Shooting Format:
    Digital Animation
  • Aspect Ratio:
  • Film Color:
  • First-time Filmmaker:
  • Student Project:
Director Biography - Andra Fembriarto

Andra Fembriarto (born 1986) is a director, videographer and writer based in Jakarta, Indonesia. Best known for his acclaimed short films Pohon Penghujan (The Raining Tree), Sinema Purnama (Moonlight Cinema), Utan the Rambutan, and the Indonesian travel web series Jalan-Jalan Men and Jurnal Indonesia Kaya, Andra’s passion is to celebrate Indonesian cultural heritage through moving pictures for a global audience. Based on his experience in travel and cultural works, Andra dreams to produce Indonesian-inspired fantasy films and fictional novels by collaborating with many talented artists and studios.

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Director Statement

Cipak Cipuk (Splish Splash) is a short fantasy animated film uniquely from Indonesia. The story of Galeo and Timia itself is a play on everyday occurences that happen in many parts of Indonesia, which are ritual preparations and the warm bickering between family members at home. And also sometimes facing off with pirates.

Making fantasy stories inspired by my cultural heritage is what I love to do. The world-building of Splish Splash is inspired by the many cultures of Indonesia, mainly those that are close to the sea such as the Bajau people. As an archipelago nation, Indonesia is a unity between the peoples of the land and sea. That is why we don’t call our home a motherland or fatherland. We call our home, a “Tanah Air”, which means lands that are united by seas. I aim to reflect that reality in this film.

That said, it is quite ironic that in Indonesia we don’t have many stories, let alone films, that are set in the sea. So, that’s why I feel it’s important for me to make myself closer to the sea through this film. After all, there is a famous song that were taught to us since childhood called “Nenek moyangku seorang pelaut”. Which means “My ancestor are people of the seas.”

I believe that the adventures that are inspired by stories from Indonesia can be exciting and also familiar to anyone in the world.

Splish Splash’s story is based on a fantasy novel I wrote also about Galeo’s struggle to overcome his fear of the sea, titled Galeo of The Seawalkers, which I hope can be produced as a feature film in the future. It’s a project that I’ve been working on for a decade.

Making this short animation, especially in a pandemic, is quite a challenge because the studios that collaborated in this project are thousands of kilometres apart. From my base in Jakarta, to the animators of Malang at the eastern part of Java, to the film community of Kupang in Timor island. But, it certainly is a joy to see everything come together.

I hope that our love of filmmaking comes through in this short animated film. I hope you enjoy Galeo and Timia’s adventure in Splish Splash.