Experiencing Interruptions?


An alienated toymaker struggles to come to terms with his life and self worth through a long night full of strange encounters.

  • Dawson Bryant
    The Anomaly (2021)
  • Dawson Bryant
    The Anomaly (2021), Word Association (2020)
  • Joshua Overbay
  • Brenda Lilly
  • Mackensie McDonough
  • Colin Wasmund
    Key Cast
    "Simeon Plemans"
  • James Johnston
    Key Cast
    "The Strange Man"
  • Project Type:
    Short, Student
  • Genres:
    Absurd, Comedy, Dark Comedy, Drama, Student, Indie, Absurdist, Absurdist Comedy
  • Runtime:
    14 minutes 55 seconds
  • Country of Origin:
    United States
  • Country of Filming:
    United States
  • Language:
  • Shooting Format:
  • Film Color:
  • First-time Filmmaker:
  • Student Project:
    Yes - Western Carolina University
Director Biography - Dawson Bryant

As someone who has always loved independent creativity, I lived as a loner for the better part of my childhood, with only a few good friends growing up.

At a young age, I started taking ADHD medication and was diagnosed with dermatitis, a dry skin condition. Other kids kept their distance from me because of those two reasons. However, the few that stuck by me made me realize that I had the capability to make friends while still being who I wanted to be, which kept me going and thought me to be the open-mind and the open-arms person that I am today.

This social blockade blossomed into a love for independence and self-expressive creation. In high school, the lack of sociability due to the medication made for a feeling of emptiness, so I picked up an interest in cameras and directed music videos as English class projects before my senior year. This not only helped me make more friends but also gave me a creative avenue to hone in on and overcome my need for medication.

In college, I studied film and television production with an interest in post-production. I graduated in the Spring of 2022 and immediately moved to Atlanta, where I currently reside to pursue film and make much-needed connections.

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Director Statement

Simpleman is a comical take on self-worth and the journey we all need to go on to discover it. A lot of people, including myself have struggled with identity issues. Sometimes it takes a miraculous trip of odds and ends to find out what we need in life.