Possum Man
A stylish cult film's original characters ("Picnic At Dangling Stone") enter a modern horror remake ("Fatal Picnic") to reclaim it..
Eddie YarochWriterClass President, A Ghost Story Of Christmas, The Know-It-All
Project Type:Screenplay
Number of Pages:100
Country of Origin:United States
First-time Screenwriter:No
Student Project:No
Eddie Yaroch is an actor-writer living in San Diego. In addition to award-winning stage plays, his comedy screenplays have garnered Finalist and Semi-Finalist status over the years. He produced and directed his “Class President” family film on 35mm which is now streaming on Google Play.
I have a love/hate relationship with remakes. Some films are untouchable like “Citizen Kane” while others get churned out for a younger, hipper crowd. It’s that decision line of “Should we do this?” that intrigues me. Retell, reimagine, re-envision? When is it a good idea to touch a classic? Hopefully, “Possum Man” gets people thinking and debating such moves.