Passion Makes School
Ivan is a 12 year old boy who wants to make a documentary. He is looking for a topic that involves him and he interviews his classmates to find it. When spring arrives he is attracted by the beauty of nature and, with his video, he wants to participate in a competition. But together with his school he is involved in a race where you have to ride on static bikes to produce clean energy. In the classroom they talk about environmental crises and energy problems. During the holidays Ivan is more attentive to environmental problems and when he goes to the sea he tries to clean up a beach full of plastic. Back in school, he no longer thinks about competitions and discovers the importance of teamwork. There is no time to lose: the challenge for him and for the other kids is to believe in a possible solution for a problem that affects everyone but, above all, their future.
Rino CacciolaDirector
Rino CacciolaWriter
Rino CacciolaProducer
Ivan CacciolaKey Cast"Ivan"
Project Title (Original Language):La passione fa scuola
Project Type:Documentary
Runtime:1 hour 19 minutes
Completion Date:August 20, 2020
Production Budget:50,000 EUR
Country of Origin:Italy
Country of Filming:Italy
Shooting Format:Full HD
Aspect Ratio:16:9
Film Color:Color
First-time Filmmaker:Yes
Student Project:No
best documentary feature film at Global Independent Film Award
He began his training with musical studies by obtaining a diploma at the Piacenza Conservatory (1991).
He learns the languages of cinema and theater at the European School of Theater and Cinema in Milan.
In 2000 he made a series of documentaries for RAI3 (Geo & Geo and Alle falde del Kilimangiaro) in the role of director of photography.
He experiments with scriptwriting, directing and actor work techniques (Strasberg Method and Meisner Technique) under the guidance of Renzo Casali, Michael Margotta, Tim Robbins.
In 2001 he won the Quality Award issued by the Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities for a short film, in the roles of director of photography and executive producer.
Inizia la sua formazione con gli studi musicali conseguendo il diploma al Conservatorio di Piacenza (1991).
Apprende i linguaggi del cinema e del teatro alla Scuola Europea di Teatro e Cinema di Milano.
Nel 2000 realizza una serie di documentari per RAI3 (Geo&Geo e Alle falde del Kilimangiaro) nel ruolo di direttore della fotografia.
Sperimenta tecniche di sceneggiatura, regia e lavoro dell’attore (Metodo Strasberg e Meisner Technique) sotto la guida di Renzo Casali, Michael Margotta, Tim Robbins.
Nel 2001 vince il Premio Qualità indetto dal Ministero dei Beni e Attività Culturali per un cortometraggio in pellicola, nei ruoli di direttore della fotografia e produttore esecutivo.
“Passion Makes School” is the portrayal of pre-adolescence in an Italian public school, the so-called “scuola media”. It is here that kids embark upon the path leading away from carefree childhood and towards that of responsibility. The school shown in the film appears to be perfect; no bullying, no social or economic issues. This is specifically to highlight one source of distress in particular: how pre-adolescents digest information regarding the great environmental crisis we are facing.
The first scene depicts a snail’s slow yet constant pace, to the tune of Ravel’s Bolero, played by the very school’s orchestra.
Beyond the symbolic meaning of the snail, connected to environmental sustainability, the collocation is meant to transmit the importance of the connections we should all experience. In nature it is impossible to find anything that is completely disconnected from everything around it, just like an ensemble, a group of instruments that contribute to a single harmonic effect.
"La passione fa scuola" è il ritratto della pre-adolescenza ambientato in una scuola pubblica italiana, la così detta "scuola media". Qui i ragazzi cominciano ad abbandonare l'età dell'infanzia e della spensieratezza e iniziano ad assumersi le prime responsabilità. La scuola presentata nel film appare come una scuola ideale, senza bullismo, senza problemi sociali o economici. Questo per fare emergere soprattutto un disagio: il difficile rapporto tra l'età della pre-adolescenza e le informazioni riguardanti la grave crisi ambientale che stiamo vivendo.
La scena iniziale presenta il procedere lento e costante di una chiocciola, movimento accompagnato dal ritmo incessante del Bolero di Ravel, eseguito dall'orchestra della stessa scuola ad indirizzo musicale. Oltre al significato simbolico della chiocciola, legato alla sostenibilità ambientale, l'accostamento vuole trasmettere l'importanza di quei legami di connessione a cui tutti dovremmo sentirci soggetti. Nella natura non c’è niente che sia scollegato da tutto il resto, proprio come un insieme di strumenti che si muovono, attraverso le diverse note, verso un’unica destinazione armonica.