Private Project

No Words

'No Words' is a lyrical film that laments the poet's loss of words as to what is happening to his beloved city Taiz and the situation in Yemen. It utilizes 360-degree footage to place the audience at the camera's point of view as an observer to what is occurring in the city. The melancholic images beautifully resonate with the mournful words to create a poetic feel surrounding the ongoing conflict.

"لا كلام" هو فيلمٌ غنائيٌّ عن شاعر يرثي كلماته، إذ اغتالتها المآسي التي حلّت بمدينته المحبوبة تعز وبلاده اليمن. يستخدم الفيلم مقاطع بزاوية 360 درجة، بحيث يرى المشاهد ما يحدث أمامه من زاوية الكاميرا وكأنّه يرى ما يحصل في المدينة أمام ناظريه. تتكاتف الصّور المأساويّة مع الكلمات الرّثائيّة لترسم صورةً شعريّةً تجسّد مشاعر هذه المدينة التي أرهقها النّزاع الجاري، وسلبتها الحرب روحها.

  • Mariam Al-Dhubhani
  • Ahmed Abdul Raqeeb Alkhulaidi
  • Mohammed Aljaberi
  • Project Title (Original Language):
    لا كلام
  • Project Type:
    Experimental, Short, Other
  • Runtime:
    5 minutes
  • Completion Date:
    July 14, 2020
  • Country of Origin:
  • Country of Filming:
    Qatar, United Kingdom, Yemen
  • Language:
    Arabic, English
  • Shooting Format:
  • Aspect Ratio:
  • Film Color:
  • First-time Filmmaker:
  • Student Project:

    United Kingdom
Director Biography - Mariam Al-Dhubhani

Mariam Al-Dhubhani is an award-winning Yemeni-Russian journalist, filmmaker, curator, and educator based in the MENA region. Her passion for media began during the 2011 Arab uprisings, where she co-founded her first media production. As a two-time TEDx speaker and a pioneer in using virtual reality to highlight stories from Yemen, Al-Dhubhani strives to counter the stereotyping of the region in mainstream media and promote equality in humanity. She holds a Bachelor's degree in Journalism and Strategic Communication from Northwestern University and a Post Graduate Diploma in Museum and Gallery Practice from University College London. Her films have received numerous accolades, including the Most Promising Filmmaker award at the Toronto Arab Film Festival in 2019 for her film, In The Middle. Al-Dhubhani has provided mentorship and training to support young filmmakers in conflict areas, including Yemen, Libya, and Iraq. She has also served as a jury member for film grants and festivals in the US, Canada, and Yemen. In addition, she has collaborated with several UN agencies to produce and train young journalists on immersive reality in storytelling. Currently, Mariam is working on her feature debut, Let's Play Soldiers, highlighted at prestigious film festivals and markets such as Cannes, IDFA, and HotDocs.

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Director Statement

No Words is a poetry film that showcases the poet's loss of words to what is happening to his beloved city Taiz and the situation in Yemen. It utilizes 360 footage into a regular display placing the viewer at the camera's point of view as an observer to what is happing in the city. The images resonate with the words and create a poetic feel of the ongoing conflict.