Experiencing Interruptions?

My Wish

MY WISH is an animated song created by artist GAYNOR PERRY.

We can swiftly be swallowed up in this digital labyrinth, losing touch with the subtle impulses and rhythms of our being. Noise from the outside world can baffle the senses causing us to become estranged from ourselves.

In MY WISH we discover Agatha and her shadow self skipping through a surreal landscape while singing their song.

Music written, performed, produced & mixed by Gaynor Perry

Painting & animation by Gaynor Perry

The song came first from the seed of a dream, and then a painting called A Soothsayer Lately. I researched different ways to animate. It can get really complicated, so I settled on the simple method I used in my previous animation Agatha’s Secret. Creating frames in photoshop and importing them into iMovie.

I hardly know myself
What is a name but a ghostly refrain
I live in a conch shell
A giant conch shell
Suspended between the I and the me

We love, we grieve umpteen impermanent desires
Cast away this sorry scheme of things entire

We float, we trawl
enthralled by transient desires
We want, we crave
enslaved by primal powers
We come undone
hard won and instantly devoured
My wish unseen adrift

My wish, my wish adrift
Hello, hello, hello shadow

La, la, la, la
We love, we grieve
We love

My wish, my wish adrift
Hello, hello, hello shadow

  • Gaynor Perry
  • Gaynor Perry
  • Gaynor Perry
  • Gaynor Perry
  • Gaynor Perry
  • Project Type:
    Animation, Music Video, Short
  • Runtime:
    4 minutes
  • Completion Date:
    September 7, 2024
  • Language:
  • Shooting Format:
  • Aspect Ratio:
  • Film Color:
  • First-time Filmmaker:
  • Student Project:
Director Biography - Gaynor Perry

Self-taught artist working intuitively across creative disciplines including film, painting, photography and music (composition, production and voice.

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